首页> 外文期刊>International journal of infectious diseases : >Invasive sinonasal disease due to dematiaceous fungi in immunocompromised individuals: case report and review of the literature

Invasive sinonasal disease due to dematiaceous fungi in immunocompromised individuals: case report and review of the literature




Invasive dematiaceous fungal sinusitis is an uncommon and aggressive disease in immunocompromised individuals. We report a unique case of invasive Exserohilum sinusitis in a pregnant, immunocompromised woman. After treating the woman with pregnancy-induced aplastic anemia and invasive Exserohilum sinusitis and pulmonary disease, we performed a Medline/PubMed review of invasive dematiaceous fungal sinonasal disease in immunocompromised individuals. Twelve cases of proven and one case of probable invasive sinonasal dematiaceous fungal disease in immunocompromised patients are reported in the English-language literature. The majority of patients had underlying hematological conditions. The crude mortality was high, with over half of the patients dying from presumed complications of the underlying immunosuppression. Successful outcomes were associated with surgical debridement, aggressive antifungal use, and a reduction of immunosuppression. The optimal treatment for immunocompromised patients with invasive dematiaceous fungal disease is not known. The role of newer triazoles, posaconazole and voriconazole, appears promising, however more clinical data are needed. Definitive diagnosis requires tissue biopsy and successful treatment is associated with reduction of immunosuppression, aggressive surgical debulking, and systemic antifungal therapy.
机译:在免疫功能低下的个体中,浸润性皮损真菌性鼻窦炎是一种罕见且侵袭性的疾病。我们报告了一名孕妇,免疫功能低下的妇女侵袭性Exserohilum鼻窦炎的独特案例。在治疗该妇女患有妊娠诱发的再生障碍性贫血,侵袭性Exserohilum鼻窦炎和肺部疾病之后,我们对免疫受损的个体的侵袭性皮损真菌真菌鼻窦疾病进行了Medline / PubMed综述。英文文献中报道了12例免疫功能低下患者的确诊病例和1例可能的浸润性鼻窦皮肤病真菌病病例。大多数患者具有潜在的血液学状况。粗死亡率很高,一半以上的患者死于潜在的免疫抑制并发症。成功的预后与手术清创,积极使用抗真菌药和减少免疫抑制有关。尚无针对免疫功能低下的浸润性皮肤病性真菌病患者的最佳治疗方法。新型三唑,泊沙康唑和伏立康唑的作用似乎很有希望,但是需要更多的临床数据。明确的诊断需要组织活检,成功的治疗与减少免疫抑制,积极的外科手术减重和全身性抗真菌治疗有关。



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