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Impact of tobacco industry and other corporations in the defeat of the 1994 Clinton health care plan




Background The primary reason cited by many scholars for the defeat of the Clinton Administration’s 1994 health care reform bill has long been identified as Health Insurance Association of America and National Federation of Independent Businesses opposition to the bill. Given this predominant consensus combined with sizeable proposed funding for the bill by a large tobacco product tax, this manuscript examined what the tobacco industry’s role was in whole or part in defeating the Clinton health care bill. Methods This research occurred through crosschecking internal tobacco industry documents and Clinton White House documents. Results Prior to the passage of the bill, the tobacco industry accepted a compromise of 45 cents per pack increase phased in over five years. Due to this compromise, the industry or third party allies had no role in the ultimate defeat in the bill. Conclusions The primary reason for the bill’s ultimate defeat was general business (but not tobacco industry and third party ally) opposition, the bill running out of time, and conflicting bills. Secondary reasons for the bill’s defeat included issues with: employer mandates, high taxes on insurance plans, impacts on medical research and education, Congressional attention to other issues, election year politics, and possible future excise tax possibilities.
机译:背景长期以来,许多学者认为,克林顿政府(Clinton Administration)的医疗改革法案遭到失败的主要原因是美国健康保险协会(National Insurance Association of America)和美国独立企业联合会(National Independent Independent Businesss)反对该法案。考虑到这一主要共识,再加上巨额烟草制品税为该法案提供了可观的提议资金,这份手稿考察了烟草业在击败克林顿医疗法案中的全部或部分作用。方法本研究是通过对内部烟草业文件和克林顿白宫文件进行交叉检查而进行的。结果在法案通过之前,烟草业接受了在五年内分阶段提高每包45美分的折衷办法。由于这种妥协,行业或第三方盟友在法案的最终失败中没有任何作用。结论法案最终失败的主要原因是一般企业(但不是烟草业和第三方盟友)的反对,法案用完时间以及法案相互冲突。法案失败的第二个原因包括以下问题:雇主要求,对保险计划征收高税,对医学研究和教育的影响,国会对其他问题的关注,选举年政治以及未来可能征收消费税的可能性。



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