首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >“Our Reach Is Wide by Any Corporate Standard”: How the Tobacco Industry Helped Defeat the Clinton Health Plan and Why It Matters Now

“Our Reach Is Wide by Any Corporate Standard”: How the Tobacco Industry Helped Defeat the Clinton Health Plan and Why It Matters Now




Contemporary health care reformers, like those who promoted the failed Clinton era plan, face opposition from multiple corporate interests. However, scant literature has examined how relationships between corporations and other stakeholders, such as think tanks and advocacy groups, shape health care reform debate. We show how the 2 biggest US tobacco companies, Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds, and their trade association coordinated in mobilizing ideologically diverse constituencies to help defeat the Clinton plan. Unwittingly perhaps, some reform supporters advanced the tobacco industry's public relations blitz, contributing to perceptions of public opposition to the plan. As the current reform debate unfolds, this case highlights the importance of funding transparency for interpreting the activities of think tanks, advocacy groups, and “grassroots” movements. Health care reform is an Obama administration priority. 1 The Clinton Health Care Security Act, the last federal attempt at comprehensive reform, failed to pass in 1994. That plan, introduced in September 1993, 2 represented a compromise between constituencies favoring government-guaranteed universal coverage and those favoring free-market competition. It proposed universal coverage through “managed competition”: competing government-regulated private plans. 2 To be funded through employer mandates, business and health care provider charges, and a 75-cent per pack tobacco excise tax, 2 the plan initially received strong public support. However, ensuing compromises satisfied few, and criticisms that had begun months earlier continued: diverse constituencies intensified public relations and lobbying efforts. 2 , 3 Ultimately, Congress abandoned the legislation; efforts to enact alternatives failed. 2 Media coverage of Obama's efforts suggests that, as for the Clinton plan, corporate influence and contention over financing pose challenges. 2 , 4 – 10 Previous research on the Clinton plan's demise faulted its complexity, divisions among reform supporters, and the administration's failure to effectively communicate the plan's features, enabling opposition to mobilize. 3 , 11 – 17 Although lobbying and advertising by multiple corporate interests also played important roles, 13 , 18 – 20 scant literature has examined how relationships between corporations and other stakeholders, such as think tanks, advocacy groups, and “grassroots” movements, affected reform debates. We explore how the 2 biggest US tobacco companies, Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds, and their now-defunct trade association, the Tobacco Institute, worked together to mobilize right-leaning think tanks and smokers’ rights, labor, and left-leaning public policy groups to help defeat the Clinton plan. Through a coordinated, nationwide initiative, the industry helped persuade policy makers that considerable public opposition existed to both a funding mechanism—a tobacco excise tax increase—and the plan as a whole. This case offers lessons for the current health care debate, highlighting the importance of funding transparency for interpreting activities of think tanks, advocacy groups, and “grassroots” movements and the need for advocacy organizations to consider how accepting corporate donations may compromise their agendas.
机译:像那些推动克林顿时代计划失败的人那样,当代医疗改革者面临着来自多个公司利益的反对。但是,鲜有文献研究了企业与其他利益相关者(例如智囊团和倡导团体)之间的关系如何影响医疗改革的辩论。我们展示了美国最大的两家烟草公司Philip Morris和RJ Reynolds及其贸易协会如何协调动员意识形态上不同的支持者来帮助克林顿计划失败。也许不经意间,一些改革支持者推动了烟草业的公共关系突击,使公众对该计划表示反对。随着当前改革辩论的进行,此案凸显了资金透明度对于解释智囊团,倡导团体和“草根”运动的重要性。医疗改革是奥巴马政府的当务之急。 1 联邦政府上一次全面改革的尝试是《克林顿医疗保障法》,该法案于1994年未能通过。该计划于1993年9月推出, 2 代表了支持政府保证的全民覆盖的选区与支持自由市场竞争的选区之间的折衷。它提议通过“有管理的竞争”:竞争性的政府监管的私人计划来实现全民覆盖。 2 将通过雇主强制性命令,商业和医疗保健提供者费用以及每包75%的烟草消费税筹集资金, 2 该计划最初得到了公众的大力支持。但是,随之而来的折衷方案却满足不了什么,几个月前开始的批评仍在继续:各界人士加强了公共关系和游说努力。 2,3 最终,国会放弃了立法; 2 媒体对奥巴马努力的报道表明,就克林顿计划而言,公司影响力和对融资的争夺构成了挑战。 2,4 – 10 上一页关于克林顿计划的消亡的研究错了其复杂性,改革支持者之间的分歧以及政府未能有效传达该计划的特征,使反对派得以动员。 3,11 – 17 尽管有多家公司进行游说和广告宣传利益也起着重要的作用。 13,18 – 20 鲜有文献研究了公司与其他利益相关者(例如智囊团,倡导团体和“草根”运动)之间的关系如何影响改革辩论。我们将探讨美国最大的两家烟草公司Philip Morris和RJ Reynolds,以及他们现已倒闭的贸易协会烟草学院如何共同动员右倾智囊团和吸烟者的权利,劳工和左倾的公共政策。团体帮助击败克林顿计划。通过在全国范围内采取协调一致的举措,烟草业帮助说服政策制定者的公众对筹资机制(烟草消费税增加)和整个计划都存在相当大的反对意见。该案例为当前的医疗保健辩论提供了经验教训,强调了透明化资金对解释智囊团,倡导团体和“草根”运动的重要性,以及倡导组织必须考虑接受公司捐赠如何损害其议程。



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