首页> 外文期刊>BMC Public Health >The impact of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) on the recording of smoking targets in primary care medical records: cross-sectional analyses from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database

The impact of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) on the recording of smoking targets in primary care medical records: cross-sectional analyses from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database




Background Smoking is a UK public health threat but GPs can be effective in helping patients to quit; consequently, the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) incentivises the recording of smoking status and delivery of cessation advice in patients’ medical records. This study investigates the association between smoking-related QOF targets and such recording, and the factors which influence these clinical activities. Methods For 2000 to 2008, using medical records in The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database, the annual proportions of i) patients who had a record of smoking status made in the previous 27?months and ii) current smokers recorded as receiving cessation advice in the previous 15?months were calculated. Then, for all patients at selected points before and after the QOF’s implementation, data on gender, age, Townsend score, and smoking-related morbidity were extracted. Multivariate logistic regression was used to investigate individual-level characteristics associated with the recording of smoking status and cessation advice. Results Rapid increases in recording smoking status and advice occurred around the QOF’s introduction in April 2004. Subsequently, compliance to targets has been sustained, although rates of increase have slowed. By 2008 64.5% of patients aged 15+ had smoking status documented in the previous 27?months and 50.5% of current smokers had cessation advice recorded in the last 15?months. Adjusted odds ratios show that, both before and after the introduction of the QOF, those with chronic medical conditions, greater social deprivation and women were more likely to have a recent recording of smoking status or cessation advice. Since the QOF’s introduction, the strongest characteristic associated with recording activities was the presence of co-morbidity. An example of this was patients with COPD, who in 2008, were 15.38 (95% CI 13.70-17.27) times and 11.72 (95% CI 10.41-13.21) times more likely to have a record of smoking status and cessation advice, respectively. Conclusions Rates of recording smoking status and cessation advice plateaued after large increases during the QOF’s introduction; however, recording remains most strongly associated with the presence of chronic disease as specified by the QOF, and suggests that incentivised targets have a direct effect on clinical behaviour.
机译:背景技术吸烟是英国的公共卫生威胁,但全科医生可以有效地帮助患者戒烟。因此,质量和结果框架(QOF)可以在患者的病历中记录吸烟状况并提供戒烟建议。这项研究调查了与吸烟有关的QOF目标与此类记录之间的关联,以及影响这些临床活动的因素。方法2000年至2008年,使用健康改善网络(THIN)数据库中的医疗记录,每年i)在过去27个月中有吸烟状况记录的患者和ii)当前吸烟者被记录为接受戒烟建议的年比例在过去15个月中进行了计算。然后,针对QOF实施前后选定地点的所有患者,提取性别,年龄,Townsend得分和吸烟相关发病率的数据。多元logistic回归用于研究与吸烟状况记录和戒烟建议相关的个人水平特征。结果2004年4月QOF引入后,记录吸烟状况和建议的记录迅速增加。随后,尽管增长速度有所减慢,但仍遵守了目标。到2008年,在过去27个月中有64.5%的15岁以上患者有吸烟记录,最近15个月中有50.5%的当前吸烟者有戒烟建议。调整后的优势比表明,​​在引入QOF之前和之后,患有慢性病,社会贫困程度更高和女性的女性更可能近期有吸烟状况或戒烟建议的记录。自QOF推出以来,与录音活动相关的最强特征是合并症。一个例子就是COPD患者,他们在2008年有吸烟状况和戒烟建议的可能性分别为15.38(95%CI 13.70-17.27)倍和11.72(95%CI 10.41-13.21)倍。结论在QOF引入期间,吸烟状况和戒烟建议的记录率已经稳定下来;然而,根据QOF的规定,记录仍然与存在慢性疾病密切相关,这表明激励目标对临床行为具有直接影响。



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