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Facebook Live: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Explore Individual Live Streaming Practices and Motivations on Facebook

机译:Facebook Live:在Facebook上探索个人实时流媒体实践和动机的混合方法

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In April 2016, Facebook launched Facebook Live. Yet, how and why people stream on Facebook Live is poorly understood. Guided by the uses and gratifications theory, we analyzed public, individual live stream videos on Facebook Live (N = 1118) from the USA, Europe and Asia and applied a questionnaire to Facebook Live users (N = 246) in the USA. We found 14 different live streaming practices, the two most common of which were chatting with random people (seen in 48% of the videos) and demonstrations of skills (seen in 10% of the videos). We also identified live streaming sessions that were problematic and challenged Facebook guidelines. From the questionnaire, we revealed that the most important motivations are (i) socializing with family and friends (reported by 38%), (ii) sharing opinions and experiences (reported by 16%) and (iii) entertainment/fun (reported by 15%). Our findings offer insight into the various personal incentives that drive people to stream on Facebook Live and thus contribute to an understanding of the social implications of a new mode of mediated interaction.
机译:2016年4月,Facebook推出了Facebook Live。但是,人们对人们如何以及为什么在Facebook Live上进行直播的了解很少。在使用和满足理论的指导下,我们分析了来自美国,欧洲和亚洲的Facebook Live(N = 1118)上的公共,个人实时流视频,并向美国的Facebook Live用户(N = 246)应用了问卷调查。我们发现了14种不同的直播方式,其中两种最常见的方式是与随机的人聊天(在视频中占48%)和技能演示(在视频中占10%)。我们还确定了存在问题的实时流媒体会话,并挑战了Facebook准则。从调查问卷中我们发现,最重要的动机是(i)与家人和朋友进行社交(报告为38%),(ii)交流意见和经验(报告为16%)以及(iii)娱乐/娱乐(报告为15%)。我们的发现提供了各种个人动机的见解,这些动机促使人们在Facebook Live上进行直播,从而有助于理解新型媒介互动的社会意义。



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