首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >An Analysis of the Tenth Grade English Language Textbooks Questions in Jordan Based on the Revised Edition of Bloom's Taxonomy

An Analysis of the Tenth Grade English Language Textbooks Questions in Jordan Based on the Revised Edition of Bloom's Taxonomy




This study aimed at identifying and analyzing the types and levels of questions available in the tenth grade English language textbooks which are used in Jordan during the academic year 2012-2013.The purpose of the analysis was to determine the distribution of the questions over the six levels of the new version of Bloom's Taxonomy of the cognitive domain. The sample of the study consisted of the Tenth grade English language textbooks where the researcher analyzed (655) questions. A study analysis sheet was prepared and used in the classification of the questions according to the new version of Bloom's Taxonomy to achieve the purposes of the study. The results revealed the following: most of the questions were within the first two levels; remembering and understanding (55.11%) , 16.18% for applying and less for the other levels 28.71% which reflected the preponderance of the low level question in the two investigated textbooks. The results revealed that the difference were in favor of the low level questions as the percentage was 51.9%. In light of the results, the researcher recommended to improve the questions in the textbooks to cover the six levels of the new version of Bloom's Taxonomy and to train teachers and designers of curriculum to use and write questions following the new version of Bloom's Taxonomy. Key words: tenth grade, new version of Bloom's Taxonomy, English language textbooks
机译:这项研究旨在识别和分析2012-2013学年在约旦使用的十年级英语教科书中可用的问题的类型和水平。分析的目的是确定在六个年级中问题的分布新版本的Bloom的认知领域分类法。研究样本包括十年级英语教科书,研究人员在其中分析了(655)个问题。编写了一份研究分析表,并根据新版本的Bloom分类法将其用于问题分类,以达到研究目的。结果表明:大多数问题都在前两个级别内。记忆和理解能力(55.11%),应试者占16.18%,其他水平者占28.71%,这反映了两本被调查教科书中低水平问题的优势。结果显示,差异为低级问题所占比例为51.9%。根据结果​​,研究人员建议改进教科书中的问题,以涵盖新版Bloom's Taxonomy的六个级别,并培训课程的教师和设计人员在新版Bloom's Taxonomy之后使用和编写问题。关键词:十年级,布鲁姆分类法新版本,英语教科书



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