首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology >The Impact of Diet on the Gut Microbiota of Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Using a Semi-Continuous Fermenter Model

The Impact of Diet on the Gut Microbiota of Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Using a Semi-Continuous Fermenter Model

机译:日粮对半连续发酵罐模型对塔斯马尼亚大西洋鲑(Salmo Salar L.)肠道菌群的影响



Farmed Tasmanian Atlantic salmon in Australia may experience water temperatures as high as 20°C during summer, which may impact on health and mariculture productivity. In this study we investigated the impact of two commercial feed on the major bacterial population in the gut of Atlantic salmon using an anaerobic semi-continuous fermenter model set at 20°C. Fermentation was conducted in a 5L culture vessel with 100 rpm agitation under CO2. For each diet the hindgut contents of three farmed Tasmanian Atlantic salmon were collected, mixed and used as fermenter inocula. Samples were collected at day 0, 1, 6 and 12 and used for bacterial enumeration and measurement of the functional status of the gut microbiota as well as their metabolic capacity (MC) values. With diet A, Vibrio spp. and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) increased over the course of fermentation. In contrast, diet B did not support the growth of LAB and instead promoted the growth of Plesiomonasshigelloides. MC values of gut microbiota receiving either diet also increased over the course of fermentation, reaching the highest level on day 12. This was independent of the type of diet used as the functional status of the microbiota for both diets was highly similar at each sampling round. Our results indicate that at the temperature experienced by Tasmanian Atlantic salmon during warm season i.e. 20°C, the type of diet may select for the growth of specific species of bacteria.
机译:澳大利亚养殖的塔斯马尼亚大西洋鲑鱼在夏季可能会遇到高达20°C的水温,这可能会影响健康和海水养殖生产力。在这项研究中,我们使用设置在20°C的厌氧半连续发酵罐模型研究了两种商业饲料对大西洋鲑鱼肠道主要细菌种群的影响。在5L培养容器中在CO 2下以100rpm搅拌进行发酵。对于每种饮食,都收集,混合了三种养殖的塔斯马尼亚大西洋鲑的后肠成分,并用作发酵菌接种物。在第0、1、6和12天收集样品,并用于细菌计数和肠道菌群功能状态及其代谢能力(MC)值的测量。与饮食A,弧菌属。乳酸菌(LAB)在发酵过程中增加。相反,饮食B不支持LAB的生长,反而促进了Plesiomonasshigelloides的生长。在发酵过程中,接受两种饮食的肠道菌群的MC值也都增加了,在第12天达到最高水平。这与所用的饮食类型无关,因为两种饮食的菌群的功能状态在每个采样周期都高度相似。我们的结果表明,在塔斯马尼亚大西洋鲑在温暖的季节(即20°C)所经历的温度下,饮食的类型可能会选择特定细菌的生长。



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