首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >The portrayal of the hardening of the disciples' hearts in Mark 8:14–21

The portrayal of the hardening of the disciples' hearts in Mark 8:14–21




The goal of this article is to consider the literary-theological function of the hardening of the disciples' hearts in Mark 8:14–21. The disciples are remarkably characterised by faithlessness, which is associated with hardness of their hearts. Although Mark uses the same language, ‘hardness of heart', at different points in his Gospel to describe both Jesus' opponents and the disciples, he nevertheless retains a distinction between the two groups. With regard to the opponents' unbelief, the language means a divine judgement for their unbelieving rejection (cf. Mark 3:5–6). By contrast, when the language is used in relation to the disciples, it warns them (or the Markan readers) to beware of falling into the opponents' unbelieving attitudes (6:52; 8:17–18).
机译:本文的目的是考虑马可福音8:14-21中门徒心灵变硬的文学神学功能。门徒的显着特征是不忠,这与他们内心的坚硬有关。尽管马克在福音书的不同地方使用相同的语言“内心的坚硬”来描述耶稣的对手和门徒,但他仍然保留了这两个群体之间的区别。关于对手的不信,这种语言意味着对他们不信的拒绝的一种神圣的判断(参见马可福音3:5-6)。相比之下,当使用与门徒有关的语言时,它警告他们(或马肯族读者)要当心不要陷入对手的不信任态度(6:52; 8:17-18)。



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