首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Health >How To Elicit The Genotoxic Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Ecballium elaterium Using Micronucleus Assay And DNA Single Strand Break Techniques

How To Elicit The Genotoxic Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Ecballium elaterium Using Micronucleus Assay And DNA Single Strand Break Techniques




Medicinal green plants are generally containing mutagenic and carcinogenic substances, but there is little information about the biological activities of herbal medicine.[1] Ecballium elaterium (L.) (''squirting cucumber'' or ''donkey's green'') is a perennial plant from the family Cucurbitaceae, a mediterranean medicinal plant that has been investigated for its several pharmacological properties.[2,3,4,5,6,7] Dioscorides applied it to the medicine of which we are treating. [8, 9] Herbal medicine recommends it for the treatment of chronic sinusitis or rhinosinusitis [7, 10,11,12] It is also recommended for liver cirrhosis as well as other conditions thought to be inflammatory in nature including rheumatism and infections [13] Ecballium elaterium roots were used as analgesic and in treatment of hemorrhoids; fruits in sinusitis, jaundice, nocturia, lumbago and otalgia [7, 11, 14, 15] The Review A recent study conducted was designed to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract of Ecballium elaterium, which is topically applied for treatment of rhinosinusitis as a traditional folk medicine in Turkey. Therapeutic potential of E. elaterium as an anti-inflammatory agent was examined by measurement of nitric oxide metabolites in a rabbit model of rhinosinusitis. The results showed that both activity of nitric oxide synthase enzyme and concentration of nitric oxide metabolites were significantly reduced by topical administration of E. elaterium extract in therapy group as compared to the control. Thus, the data suggest E. elaterium extract may have the potential to be used as anti-inflammation agent, and can be used in the treatment of rhinosinusitis diseases.[12]A study has been made taking a series of 13 patients who were exposed to the juice of Ecballium elaterium in its natural form. In 3 patients, exposure was intranasal for the treatment of sinusitis or liver cirrhosis. In 3 other cases, children ingested the fruit unwittingly. In 6 patients, exposure was ocular and, in one, dermal. Within minutes of exposure, the patients exhibited irritation of mucous membranes at various degrees of severity manifested as edema of pharynx, dyspnea, drooling, dysphagia, vomiting, conjunctivitis, corneal edema, and erosion, depending on the route of the exposure. Recovery began within several to 24 hours after administration of oxygen, steroids, antihistamines, and beta-2-agonists. Ocular exposures responded to topical steroid and antibiotic eyedrops within few days. The toddler with the dermal exposure remained asymptomatic. The conclusion of this study was that exposure to the juice of Ecbalium elaterium, mainly in its undiluted form, may cause irritation of mucous membranes, supposedly of inflammatory nature. Patients exposed orally or intranasally should be closely followed for upper airway obstruction. Patients exposed occularly should have their eyes promptly irrigated to prevent corneal and conjunctival injury [16] Another study [17] tested the in vitro pollen germination on Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich. (Cucurbitaceae) and other 6 different plant species in basic medium. Sucrose (10%) and boric acid (0.01%) was used as germination medium and germination occurred in Petri dishes. The percentage of in vitro germination of pollen tubes among the species was found to be quite different. Percentage of germination for Ecballium elaterium was 5%. Ecballium elaterium fruit juice initial characterization using SDS-PAGE indicated the presence of 20 proteins with molecular weights ranging from 13 to 103 KDa. Heat treatment of the juice led to the loss of 3 proteins and appearance of another. Moreover, 3 proteins stained positively with periodic Schiff stain (PAS) for carbohydrate detection. In male Sprague Dawley albino rats, the LD50 was estimated to be 2.5 mg/kg body weight, when injected intravenously. The crude juice resulted in agglutination of red blood cells from various species. This effect was species-specific, with ra
机译:药用绿色植物通常含有诱变和致癌物质,但有关草药生物学活性的信息很少。[1] Ecballium elaterium(L。)(“喷黄瓜”或“驴绿”)是多年生植物,葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae),一种地中海药用植物,已对其几种药理特性进行了研究。[2,3,4 ,5,6,7]薯os甙已将其应用于我们正在治疗的药物中。 [8,9]草药建议将其用于治疗慢性鼻窦炎或鼻-鼻窦炎[7,10,11,12]还建议将其用于肝硬化以及其他认为是炎性的疾病,包括风湿病和感染[13] E球根用作止痛药和治疗痔疮的方法;鼻窦炎,黄疸,夜尿症,腰痛和耳痛的水果[7、11、14、15]综述最近进行的一项研究旨在研究Ecballium elaterium的水提物的抗炎作用,该药物局部用于治疗鼻-鼻窦炎作为土耳其的传统民间医学。在兔鼻窦炎模型中,通过测量一氧化氮代谢产物检查了大肠杆菌作为抗炎药的治疗潜力。结果表明,与对照组相比,通过在治疗组中局部施用大肠杆菌提取物,一氧化氮合酶的活性和一氧化氮代谢产物的浓度均显着降低。因此,数据表明,大肠杆菌提取物可能具有用作抗炎剂的潜力,并且可以用于治疗鼻-鼻窦炎疾病。[12]已进行了一项研究,对13例暴露于暴露的患者进行了研究。天然形式的Ecballium elaterium汁。在3例患者中,鼻内暴露用于鼻窦炎或肝硬化的治疗。在其他3种情况下,儿童不知不觉地摄入了水果。在6例患者中,眼部暴露是皮肤暴露,其中1种是皮肤暴露。在暴露的几分钟内,患者表现出不同程度的粘膜刺激,表现为咽水肿,呼吸困难,流口水,吞咽困难,呕吐,结膜炎,角膜浮肿和糜烂,具体取决于暴露途径。服用氧气,类固醇,抗组胺药和β-2-受体激动剂后数到24小时内便开始恢复。眼部暴露在几天内对局部类固醇和抗生素滴眼液有反应。皮肤接触的学步儿童无症状。这项研究的结论是,暴露于Ecbalium elaterium的汁液(主要是未经稀释的形式)可能会刺激粘膜,据说是发炎的。口服或鼻内暴露的患者应密切随访,以防上呼吸道阻塞。眼部暴露的患者应及时冲洗眼睛,以防止角膜和结膜损伤[16]另一项研究[17]测试了Ecballium elaterium(L.)A. Rich的体外花粉萌发。 (葫芦科)和其他6种不同植物种的基本培养基。蔗糖(10%)和硼酸(0.01%)用作发芽培养基,并且在培养皿中发芽。发现该物种中花粉管的体外发芽百分比差异很大。 Ecballium elaterium的发芽率为5%。用SDS-PAGE对小球藻果汁进行初步表征表明存在20种分子量为13至103 KDa的蛋白质。果汁的热处理导致3种蛋白质的损失和其他蛋白质的出现。此外,有3种蛋白质被定期Schiff染色(PAS)阳性染色,可用于检测碳水化合物。在雄性Sprague Dawley白化病大鼠中,静脉注射时LD50估计为2.5 mg / kg体重。粗汁导致各种物种的红细胞凝集。此效果是特定于物种的,具有



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