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Cryptosporidium Parvum In Patients With And Without Diarrhea In Abuja, Nigeria




A cross-sectional study was conducted on patients that attended the Federal Staff Hospital, Abuja for the purpose of establishing whether there was a difference between the prevalence of C. parvum in patients with diarrhea compared with those without diarrhea. The stools of a total of 354 patients were examined for the presence of C. parvum infection. The females were more infected than the males, 18 (10.84%) versus 14 (7.45%). In the individuals with diarrhea, the age group of 41-50 years had the highest prevalence of C. parvum infection (3, 33.33%), followed by those that were >50 years of age (2, 20.0%), and 31-40 years (3, 18.75%). In non-diarrhea individuals, those that were aged 31-40 years had the highest prevalence of C. parvum infection, (4, 10.53%), followed by those that were aged >50 years, (1, 7.69%). The mean age of the patients was 22.96 + 0.1 years (range 1-90 years; SD 0.93), with 188 males and 166 females. Diarrhea was present in 129 patients, and 225 had no diarrhea. In 16.28% (21/129) of the patients with diarrhoea, Cryptosporidium parvum was found, while in the control group 4.89% (11/225) was found to have the parasite. Among those with diarrhea, 21 had C. parvum, while 11 did not have diarrhea but had C. parvum. This study provides data for a more appropriate management and laid credence on the importance of routine stool cultures for the detection of coccidian parasites. Introduction Cryptosporidium is a leading cause of persistent diarrhoea in developing countries. With proper oral hydration therapy, full recovery from this coccidian is expected in immunocompetent individuals1. In one study in West Africa, C. parvum was identified to be the most significant pathogen in infections characterized by acute and persistent diarrhea2. Cryptosporidiosis is widespread and affects all ages,3,4,5 and documented evidence indicated the parasite as a cause of diarrhoea in 95 countries6,7. Cryptosporidium is recognized as a significant and widespread cause of diarrheal illness in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed hosts8. Cryptosporidium may cause severe symptoms in persons with weak immune systems9. The Cryptosporidium species was described as a minute coccidian parasite of the gastric crypts of a laboratory mouse. The first case of human infection was reported in 1978 in a Japanese boy.10,11 The oocysts survive considerable periods in cool, moist environment and resist common disinfections including chlorine, even in excess of those used in water treatment12. Person -to- person transmission is now recognized to be common by faecal-oral route, directly or through formites12. Infected individuals may excrete many millions of oocysts each day during the acute stage4. Infected human and animal hosts usually contaminate potable water, food and formities. Open sewage systems provide the commonest routes of discharge of pathogens into freshwater in urban areas. In addition, human and animal waste points constitute a major source. The genus Cryptosporidium is a phenotypically and genotypically heterogenous assemblage of largely morphologically identified species and genotypes. Fourteen species and twenty-one C. parvum genotypes are currently recognized13.Cryptosporidium transmission occurs at a high frequency in day care centers where children are clustered within classrooms, share toilets and common play areas, or necessitate frequent diaper changing14. Materials And Methods Study design: A cross-sectional study was conducted on patients that attended the Federal Staff Hospital, Abuja, from June 2005 to April 2006, in order to determine the prevalence of C. parvum. Stool samples were collected from recruited members and placed in disposable plastic cups, with subsequent addition of 10% formalin as a preservative before analysis, and in accordance with institutional ethical guidelines. All the stool samples for parasitological investigation were processed in the laboratory of the hospital.Stool examination: the para
机译:对在阿布贾联邦参谋医院就诊的患者进行了一项横断面研究,目的是确定腹泻患者与非腹泻患者之间小肠衣原体的患病率是否存在差异。检查了总共354名患者的粪便中是否存在细小衣原体感染。女性感染率高于男性,分别为18(10.84%)和14(7.45%)。在腹泻患者中,年龄在41至50岁之间的小肠衣原体感染的发生率最高(3,33.33%),其次是年龄大于50岁的人群(2,20.0%)和31- 40年(3,18.75%)。在非腹泻患者中,年龄在31至40岁之间的小肠弯曲杆菌感染率最高(4,10.53%),其次是年龄在50岁以上的人群(1,7.69%)。患者的平均年龄为22.96 + 0.1岁(范围1-90岁; SD为0.93),男性188例,女性166例。 129例患者出现腹泻,其中225例没有腹泻。在腹泻患者中,有16.28%(21/129)发现了小隐隐孢子虫,而在对照组中,有4.89%(11/225)有了寄生虫。在腹泻患者中,有21人患有小肠隐孢子虫,而11人没有腹泻但有小隐孢子虫。这项研究为更适当的管理提供了数据,并证明了常规粪便培养对于检测球虫寄生虫的重要性。引言隐孢子虫是发展中国家持续腹泻的主要原因。通过适当的口服水合作用,有望使具有免疫能力的个体从该球虫中完全康复1。在西非的一项研究中,小球藻被鉴定为以急性和持续性腹泻为特征的感染中最重要的病原体2。隐孢子虫病很普遍,并影响到所有年龄[3,4,5],有证据表明该寄生虫在95个国家[6,7]引起腹泻。隐孢子虫在免疫能力强和免疫抑制的宿主中均被认为是引起腹泻疾病的重要且广泛的原因8。隐孢子虫可能会导致免疫系统较弱的人出现严重症状9。隐孢子虫物种被描述为实验室小鼠胃隐窝的微小球虫寄生虫。 1978年,一个日本男孩报道了第一例人类感染病例。10,11卵囊在阴凉潮湿的环境中可以存活相当长的一段时间,并且能够抵抗包括氯在内的常见消毒,甚至超过了用于水处理的消毒12。人与人之间的传播现在被认为是直接通过粪便或粪便通过粪口途径传播的。在急性期,感染者每天可能排泄数百万个卵囊。被感染的人类和动物宿主通常会污染饮用水,食物和形式。开放式污水处理系统为城市地区的病原体排入淡水提供了最普遍的途径。另外,人类和动物废物点是主要来源。隐孢子虫属是在很大程度上在形态学上已鉴定的物种和基因型的表型和基因型异质组合。目前已经认识到14种和21种小隐孢子虫基因型13.在儿童聚集在教室,共用厕所和公共游乐区或需要频繁换尿布的日托中心中,隐孢子虫传播频率很高。材料和方法研究设计:为了确定小隐孢子虫的患病率,于2005年6月至2006年4月对在阿布贾联邦参谋医院就诊的患者进行了横断面研究。从招募的成员中收集粪便样品,并将其放置在一次性塑料杯中,随后在分析之前并根据机构伦理准则,添加10%福尔马林作为防腐剂。所有用于寄生虫学检查的粪便样本均在医院实验室进行处理。



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