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A Novel Method for the Objective Assessment of Thenar Atrophy




Purpose: Although thenar atrophy is caused by a variety of clinical conditions, it is commonly associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Thenar atrophy has been mostly assessed subjectively. The purposes of the study are to test a simple, novel, objective and quantitative test for the assessment of thenar atrophy; and to correlate this test with subjective evaluation of thenar atrophy.Methods: The apparatus consisted of a box with a clear glass sheet on the top uncovered surface, with a digital camera placed in the base of the box. Group 1 included 106 healthy volunteers with a total of 212 hands. Group 2 was formed from 36 patients with a total of 72 hands with carpal tunnel syndrome. Thenar atrophy was classified subjectively as none, mild, moderate and severe. Patients and subjects were asked to press their hands facing down on the glass sheet and digital photos were taken. The technique relies on the fact that the area where pressure is exerted on the palm blanches. Photos were transferred to photo processing software. After enhancement the photos were transferred to an image analysis software. The thenar area (A) and the rest of the palm area (B) were measured. The thenar ratio was calculated as A divided by A plus B multiplied by hundred.Results: Hands with thenar atrophy had a statistically significant lower thenar ratio than healthy hands (19.9±6.7 vs 35.6±8.0; P value <0.0001). Subjective assessment of atrophy correlated with the thenar ratio.Conclusions: This method can be used as a simple objective test for the assessment and follow-up of thenar atrophy. Introduction The thenar eminence constitutes the intrinsic muscles of the hand that are responsible for complex movements of the thumb. Atrophy of thenar muscles can be caused by a variety of clinical conditions. Although thenar atrophy is commonly associated with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)1; it is also associated with liver cirrhosis2, thoracic outlet syndrome3 and Weill-Marchesani syndrome4. In CTS, thenar atrophy is usually associated with longstanding or severe cases5,6,7. However, the finding of thenar atrophy has been found to have limited or no value in distinguishing patients with CTS from those without it8. The main reason for this is the low sensitivity of clinical thenar atrophy as a diagnostic test (0.04 to 0.28)9,10,11. On the other hand, thenar atrophy has been reported to have a high specificity for CTS (0.82 to 0.99)9,10,11. Subjective evaluation of thenar atrophy has been reported widely in the literature in order to evaluate the outcome of carpal tunnel release 12,13,14,15,16. Some authors have graded the subjective evaluation of thenar atrophy as none, mild to moderate or severe based on the bulk and contour of the thenar eminence13. There have been a few attempts to standardize and assess thenar atrophy objectively. Magnetic resonance imaging showed moderate correlation with thenar atrophy17. Tuncali D et al18 developed the thenar index for the objective assessment of thenar atrophy using static hand imprints with high specificity and acceptable sensitivity for thenar atrophy.The aims of this study are to test a simple, novel, objective and quantitative test for the assessment of thenar atrophy, and correlate this test with subjective evaluation of thenar atrophy. Patients and methods Patients and subjectsDigital photos of both hands pressed on a glass sheet using the apparatus described below were taken from volunteers (Group 1) and patients with CTS (Group 2). Group 1 included healthy adult subjects who did not suffer from any medical problems, peripheral or central nervous system disorders and did not have a past history of trauma to the upper extremity. Group 2 included patients with bilateral CTS awaiting carpal tunnel release surgery. However, not all patients had clinical evidence of atrophy. Thenar atrophy was assessed by one of the authors (LAG) as none, mild, moderate and severe. The age, gender, hand dominance and occupation of each su
机译:目的:尽管肛门萎缩是由多种临床情况引起的,但通常与腕管综合症有关。肛门萎缩大多已主观评估。这项研究的目的是测试一种简单,新颖,客观和定量的测试,以评估肛门萎缩。方法:该设备由一个盒子组成,盒子的顶部未覆盖表面上有一块透明玻璃板,盒子底部装有数码相机。第一组包括106名健康志愿者,总共212手。第2组由36例腕骨综合症患者组成,总共72手。主动脉萎缩被主观分类为轻度,中度和重度。患者和受试者被要求将他们的手朝下按在玻璃板上,并拍摄数码照片。该技术依赖于以下事实:在手掌上施加压力的区域会变白。照片被传送到照​​片处理软件。增强后,将照片转移到图像分析软件中。测量了鱼际区域(A)和手掌区域的其余部分(B)。结果:患有肛门萎缩的手的narnar比率在统计学上显着低于健康手(19.9±6.7 vs 35.6±8.0; P值<0.0001)。结论:该方法可作为一种简单的客观测试,用于评估和跟踪跟腱萎缩。简介隆鼻部构成了手的固有肌肉,这些肌肉负责拇指的复杂运动。各种临床状况均可引起the肌萎缩。尽管the肌萎缩通常与腕管综合症(CTS)有关[1]。它也与肝硬化2,胸廓出口综合征3和Weill-Marchesani综合征4相关。在CTS中,角膜萎缩通常与长期或严重病例有关[5,6,7]。但是,已发现发现肛门萎缩对于将CTS患者与不患有CTS的患者区分开来的价值有限或没有价值8。其主要原因是作为诊断测试的临床角质萎缩敏感性低(0.04至0.28)9,10,11。另一方面,据报道,肛门萎缩对CTS具有很高的特异性(0.82至0.99)9、10、11。在文献中已广泛报道了对肛门萎缩的主观评估,以评估腕管释放的结果12,13,14,15,16。根据作者的突出度和轮廓,一些作者将对肛门萎缩的主观评价分级为无,轻度至中度或重度13。已经有一些尝试客观地标准化和评估肛门萎缩。磁共振成像显示与the肌萎缩有中等程度的相关性17。 Tuncali D等人[18]开发了用于对肛门萎缩进行客观评估的thenar指数,该静态手印具有较高的特异性和可接受的敏感性,可以用于对肛门萎缩的敏感性。本研究的目的是测试一种简单,新颖,客观和定量的方法来评估narnar萎缩。肛门萎缩,并将该测试与对肛门萎缩的主观评价相关联。患者和方法患者和受试者使用下述装置将双手压在玻璃板上的数码照片来自志愿者(组1)和患有CTS的患者(组2)。第一组包括健康成人受试者,他们没有任何医学问题,周围或中枢神经系统疾病,也没有上肢外伤史。第二组包括等待腕管松解术的双侧CTS患者。但是,并非所有患者都有萎缩的临床证据。一位作者(LAG)评估了肛门角萎缩为轻度,中度和重度。每个苏的年龄,性别,支配地位和职业



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