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Fusarium mycotoxins and human health




Species within the genus Fusarium produce a diverse range of mycotoxins, many of which have significant impacts on human health. Of the five generally recognised major mycotoxins, three (fumonisins, deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON)) are produced by Fusaria. Apart from DON, other trichothecenes such as T-2 toxin, have received considerable international attention due to their impact on human health. The fumonisins, which occur ubiquitously in maize and its products, have been linked to oesophageal cancer, liver cancer and neural tube defects. DON, a frequent contaminant of maize, wheat and their products, although showing no carcinogenic potential, is immunomodulatory and produces emesis and growth retardation in animals. ZON is a naturally occurring endocrine disrupting chemical. Acute exposure to these mycotoxins has in each case been linked to outbreaks of human disease - gastro-intestinal effects in the case of fumonisins and DON, and precocious pubertal changes in the case of ZON. Concern over their toxicological effects has led to risk assessments by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which has set maximum tolerable daily intakes (TDI) of 2 μg/ kg body weight (bw) for fumonisins and 0.5 μg/kg bw for ZON. The initial TDI set for DON, namely 1 μg/kg bw has recently been updated by JECFA to include both 3 - and 15-acetylDON. Apart from the above mycotoxins, a number of other secondary metabolites (moniliformin, beauvericin and fusaproliferin) are produced by different Fusaria and their effects on human health, either alone or in combination with other mycotoxins, is largely unexplored.
机译:镰刀菌属中的物种产生多种真菌毒素,其中许多对人体健康有重大影响。在五种公认的主要霉菌毒素中,三类(伏马菌素,脱氧雪腐酚(DON)和玉米赤霉烯酮(ZON))是由镰刀菌属生产的。除呕吐毒素外,诸如T-2毒素之类的其他毛线菌病也因其对人体健康的影响而受到国际关注。伏马菌素广泛存在于玉米及其产品中,与食道癌,肝癌和神经管缺陷有关。 DON是玉米,小麦及其产品的常见污染物,尽管没有致癌性,但它具有免疫调节作用,并会引起动物呕吐和生长迟缓。 ZON是天然存在的内分泌干扰化学物质。这些真菌毒素的急性暴露在每种情况下都与人类疾病的暴发有关-伏马菌素和DON的胃肠道作用以及ZON的性早熟变化。由于担心它们的毒理学作用,粮农组织/世卫组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会(JECFA)进行了风险评估,该委员会将伏马毒素和0.5μg的每日最大容许摄入量(TDI)设定为2μg/ kg体重。 / kg bw(对于ZON)。 JECFA最近对DON的初始TDI设定为1μg/ kg bw,包括3-和15-乙酰基DON。除上述霉菌毒素外,其他镰刀菌还产生许多其他次要代谢产物(莫尼莫丁,双性霉素和富沙前生素),它们单独或与其他霉菌毒素结合对人体健康的影响尚待进一步研究。



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