首页> 外文期刊>Pathogens >New Taxon-Specific Heterobasidion PCR Primers Detect and Differentiate North American Heterobasidion spp. in Various Substrates and Led to the Discovery of Heterobasidion irregulare in British Columbia, Canada

New Taxon-Specific Heterobasidion PCR Primers Detect and Differentiate North American Heterobasidion spp. in Various Substrates and Led to the Discovery of Heterobasidion irregulare in British Columbia, Canada




Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato is a species complex of pathogenic white-rot wood decay fungi which cause root and butt rot in conifer and hardwood species across the Northern hemisphere. Annual losses to forest managers are valued in the billions of dollars, due to tree mortality, reduction in timber yield, and wood decay. In North America, H. irregulare and H. occidentale have a partially overlapping host and geographic range, cause similar disease symptoms and produce similar fruiting bodies, making discrimination between the two of them often difficult. We developed two sets of primers that bind specifically to conserved, but species-specific portions of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and elongation factor 1α alleles. The method is sensitive enough to detect either species from infected wood. Analysis of North American isolates has further clarified the distribution of both species on this continent, including the detection of H. irregulare for the first time on ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) and eastern white pine ( Pinus strobus ) in British Columbia. This method has the potential to be a valuable tool for the detection of the pathogen in exported/imported wood products, as well as for the further identification and assessment of the distribution of North American Heterobasidion species.
机译:杂种异化症是一种致病性白腐木腐烂真菌的物种复合物,在北半球的针叶树和阔叶树种中引起根腐病。由于树木的死亡,木材产量的减少和木材的腐烂,每年给森林经营者造成的损失估计达数十亿美元。在北美,不规则嗜血杆菌和西方西方嗜血杆菌的寄主和地理范围部分重叠,会引起相似的疾病症状并产生相似的子实体,因此常常很难区分两者。我们开发了两组引物,它们与甘油醛3-磷酸脱氢酶和延伸因子1α等位基因的保守但特定物种部分结合。该方法足够灵敏以检测受感染木材中的任何一种。北美分离物的分析进一步阐明了这两个物种在该大陆上的分布,包括首次在不列颠哥伦比亚省的美国黄松(Pinus tankerosa)和东部白松(Pinus strobus)上检测到不规则嗜血杆菌。该方法可能是检测出口/进口木制品中病原体以及进一步鉴定和评估北美异源异位物种分布的有价值的工具。



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