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Adaptive procedures for nested processes: application to equal employment




Typically, equal employment cases concern the fairness of an employer’s hiring, promotion or layoff decisions. Sometimes both the hiring and promotion practices are under scrutiny. An unappreciated issue in the analysis of promotion data is that Fisher’s exact test may have low power for detecting a legally meaningful disparity in promotion rates when the number of minorities previously hired was small due to unfair hiring. The two employment processes are nested. Thus, before promotion data is analyzed, one should first check whether the hiring was fair. The choice of an appropriate test for fairness in promotions should depend on the result of the test on hiring. Two adaptive procedures are presented in this paper. One uses the Breslow-Day test as the preliminary procedure for choosing between a test having a mixture $chi^2$ null distribution and a test assuming a common odds ratio between the success rates of minority and majority members in both hiring and promotion. The second adaptive procedure was motivated by a court’s suggestion that when the fairness of both the hiring and promotion practices are under review, rather than applying Fisher’s exact test to data of promotions made from those hired, the promotions should be viewed as a random sample from the applicants for the lower level position. The statistical properties of the test procedures are presented and the tests are applied to data from four actual cases. Because the choice of the test at the second stage depends on the results of the first stage analysis, in cases concerning promotion, courts should give plaintiffs access to data concerning hiring in the feeder positions. Thus, the courts should take a broad view of potentially relevant data at the discovery stage.
机译:通常,平等的就业案例关系到雇主的聘用,晋升或裁员决定的公平性。有时,招聘和晋升实践都受到审查。晋升数据的分析中没有意识到的一个问题是,当先前雇用的少数族裔人数由于不公平的雇佣而很少时,费舍尔的精确测试可能无法检测出法律上有意义的晋升率差异。这两个就业过程是嵌套的。因此,在分析促销数据之前,应首先检查招聘是否公平。晋升公平性的适当测试方法的选择应取决于招聘的测试结果。本文提出了两种自适应程序。一个人使用Breslow-Day检验作为在混合$ chi ^ 2 $零分布的检验和假设少数族裔和多数成员在雇用和晋升方面的成功率具有共同优势比的检验之间进行选择的初步程序。第二种适应性程序的动机是法院的建议,即当正在审查雇用和晋升做法的公平性时,而不是将Fisher的精确检验应用于从所雇用的晋升人员获得的数据中,应将晋升视为来自下层职位的申请人。介绍了测试程序的统计属性,并将测试应用于来自四个实际案例的数据。由于第二阶段测试的选择取决于第一阶段分析的结果,因此,在涉及晋升的案件中,法院应让原告获得与在支线职位雇用有关的数据。因此,法院应在发现阶段广泛考虑潜在的相关数据。



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