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Growing up in Wartime England—A Selection from 'The Rachel Chronicles: A Kind of Memoir'




The following contribution is an excerpt from the unpublished memoirs of Austrian Jewish émigrée, Lilian Renée Furst (1931–2009), a pioneer in the field of comparative literature. This journal issue grew out of an April 2011 conference in her memory, held at the National Humanities Center, on “Jewish emigres and the Shaping of Postwar Culture.” The nexus between her innovative intellectual contributions and her experience as a Jewish émigré reflects one of the conference's central concerns: How, why, and in what fashion did the émigrés' dislocations shape innovative intellectual paths and cosmopolitan visions of Europe and European culture. Born in Austria and educated in England, Furst pursued an intellectual career in the United States, hoping it would allow her to break out of narrow national boundaries. The excerpt of her memoir here illuminates how her life's work as a pioneer in the field of comparative literary studies grew out of her experience with language as a German-speaking refugee in wartime England. Her memoir written in the third person about “Rachel” also reflects her dual identity as Jew and European. Part I by Dr. Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau, the literary executor of the memoir and a former graduate student of Furst, places “The Rachel Chronicles: A Kind of Memoir” in relation to Furst's other autobiographical writing. Part II includes Furst's own introduction to “The Rachel Chronicles,” followed by her chapter on “Growing up in wartime England.” (The whole of her unpublished memoir is available to researchers in the "Personal Papers of Lilian R. Furst," Girton College Archives, Cambridge University (http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/dbode.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F0271%2FGCPP%20Furst)). Part III is a bibliography of Furst's writings.
机译:以下贡献摘自未出版的奥地利犹太移民回忆录,比较文学领域的先驱莉莲·雷内·弗斯特(LilianRenéeFurst,1931-2009年)。该期刊的出版源于她在国家人文中心举办的2011年4月的会议上,该会议的主题是“犹太酋长国与战后文化的形成”。她的创新性知识贡献与她作为犹太人移居者的经历之间的联系反映出会议的主要关切之一:移居者的错位如何,为何以及以何种方式塑造了欧洲和欧洲文化的创新性思想道路​​和世界性视野。弗斯特出生于奥地利,在英国接受教育,在美国从事知识分子职业,希望这能使她摆脱狭窄的国界。她的回忆录摘录阐明了她作为比较文学研究领域的先驱者的生活是如何从她在战时英格兰作为德语难民的语言经历而发展起来的。她在第三人称中写到的有关“瑞秋”的回忆录也反映出她作为犹太人和欧洲人的双重身份。回忆录的文学执行者,前弗斯特大学的研究生Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau博士在第一部分中将“瑞秋纪事:一种回忆录”与弗斯特的其他自传写作联系起来。第二部分包括Furst自己对“ The Rachel Chronicles”的介绍,以及她的“在战时英国成长”一章。 (她的全部未出版的回忆录都可以在剑桥大学吉尔顿学院档案馆的“ Lilian R. Furst个人论文”中找到,研究人员( http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/dbode .xsp?id = EAD%2FGBR%2F0271%2FGCPP%20Furst ))。第三部分是福斯特著作的书目。



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