首页> 外文期刊>NeuroImage: Clinical >Deep multi-scale location-aware 3D convolutional neural networks for automated detection of lacunes of presumed vascular origin

Deep multi-scale location-aware 3D convolutional neural networks for automated detection of lacunes of presumed vascular origin




Lacunes of presumed vascular origin (lacunes) are associated with an increased risk of stroke, gait impairment, and dementia and are a primary imaging feature of the small vessel disease. Quantification of lacunes may be of great importance to elucidate the mechanisms behind neuro-degenerative disorders and is recommended as part of study standards for small vessel disease research. However, due to the different appearance of lacunes in various brain regions and the existence of other similar-looking structures, such as perivascular spaces, manual annotation is a difficult, elaborative and subjective task, which can potentially be greatly improved by reliable and consistent computer-aided detection (CAD) routines. In this paper, we propose an automated two-stage method using deep convolutional neural networks (CNN). We show that this method has good performance and can considerably benefit readers. We first use a fully convolutional neural network to detect initial candidates. In the second step, we employ a 3D CNN as a false positive reduction tool. As the location information is important to the analysis of candidate structures, we further equip the network with contextual information using multi-scale analysis and integration of explicit location features. We trained, validated and tested our networks on a large dataset of 1075 cases obtained from two different studies. Subsequently, we conducted an observer study with four trained observers and compared our method with them using a free-response operating characteristic analysis. Shown on a test set of 111 cases, the resulting CAD system exhibits performance similar to the trained human observers and achieves a sensitivity of 0.974 with 0.13 false positives per slice. A feasibility study also showed that a trained human observer would considerably benefit once aided by the CAD system. Highlights ? Fully automated method for lacune detection with 3D convolutional neural networks ? Utilizing a large dataset for training and evaluation ? Considerable contribution on performance shown by a multi-scale location-aware analysis ? A close performance achieved compared to independent trained raters ? Feasibility study shows a considerable improvement once a reader is aided by the system.
机译:推测血管源性腔隙(腔腔)与中风,步态障碍和痴呆的风险增加有关,是小血管疾病的主要影像学特征。腔隙的量化对于阐明神经退行性疾病背后的机制可能非常重要,因此建议作为小血管疾病研究的研究标准的一部分。但是,由于在各个大脑区域内腔腔的外观不同以及存在其他类似结构的结构(如血管周围空间),手动注释是一项困难,繁琐和主观的任务,而可靠且一致的计算机可以极大地改善这种情况辅助检测(CAD)例程。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用深度卷积神经网络(CNN)的自动两阶段方法。我们证明该方法具有良好的性能,可以使读者受益匪浅。我们首先使用全卷积神经网络来检测初始候选者。在第二步中,我们将3D CNN用作假阳性减少工具。由于位置信息对于分析候选结构非常重要,因此我们使用多尺度分析和显式位置特征的集成为网络配备了上下文信息。我们在来自两项不同研究的1075例大型数据集上训练,验证和测试了我们的网络。随后,我们与四名训练有素的观察员进行了观察员研究,并使用自由响应操作特征分析将我们的方法与他们进行了比较。在111个案例的测试集上显示,所得的CAD系统表现出与训练有素的人类观察者相似的性能,并且获得0.974的灵敏度,每片0.13假阳性。可行性研究还表明,一旦得到CAD系统的帮助,训练有素的人类观察者将大为受益。强调 ?全自动的3D卷积神经网络检测方法?利用大型数据集进行培训和评估?多尺度位置感知分析显示了对性能的显着贡献?与经过独立培训的评估员相比,其绩效接近吗?一旦系统帮助了读者,可行性研究显示了相当大的进步。



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