首页> 外文期刊>Nepal Journal of Neuroscience >Intramedullary Spinal Cord Ependymoma after Posterior Fossa Ependymoma Resection: A Case Report

Intramedullary Spinal Cord Ependymoma after Posterior Fossa Ependymoma Resection: A Case Report




We experienced a case in which multiple spinal cord dissemination was found 6 years after resection of the fourth ventricle ependymoma. A 17-year-old boy had undergone a subtotal resection of the fourth ventricle ependymoma and radiation therapy to the posterior fossa when he was 12 years old. Follow up CT head detected no residual tumor until he complained of back pain and pain in right thigh 6 years after surgery. MRI revealed multiple mass at D10-12 and L2-3. He underwent laminectomy and excision of tumor. This case reminds us to the necessity for long term radiological follow up including the spinal cord even in benign ependymoma, although it is still not clear for how long and how often we should do it. Nepal Journal of Neuroscience 13:48-50, 2016
机译:我们经历了一例在第四脑室室间隔瘤切除术后6年发现多发性脊髓扩散的病例。一个17岁的男孩在12岁时接受了第四脑室室间隔瘤的大体切除和后颅窝的放射治疗。随访CT头没有发现残留的肿瘤,直到他抱怨背部疼痛和术后6年右大腿疼痛为止。 MRI显示D10-12和L2-3处有多个肿块。他接受了椎板切除术和肿瘤切除术。这种情况提醒我们,即使在良性室间隔膜瘤中,也需要进行长期的放射学随访,包括脊髓,尽管尚不清楚我们应该进行多长时间和多久一次。尼泊尔神经科学杂志13:48-50,2016



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