首页> 外文期刊>Mathematics and Statistics >SETAR (Self-exciting Threshold Autoregressive) Non-linear Currency Modelling in EUR/USD, EUR/TRY and USD/TRY Parities

SETAR (Self-exciting Threshold Autoregressive) Non-linear Currency Modelling in EUR/USD, EUR/TRY and USD/TRY Parities




In economies that are open to foreign markets the numerical value of the currencies as a macroeconomic variable is of great importance especially when the mutual dependency among the economies is concerned. When it is considered in terms of political economy, the targeted level of the currencies have vital importance especially in economies that have the characteristics of export-driven growth and in economies that struggle not to disrupt the picture in macroeconomic design. When it is considered that each time series has a structure that is sensitive to its own internal dynamics (sometimes these dynamics are expressed as the time series components), these dynamics provide us with coordinates for estimations and may eliminate the compulsory dependency on the outsourced variables at a serious level. This is exactly what has been done in this study. First of all, the non-linear time series analyses are examined in terms of linearity tests, and the linearity tests are applied for all parties and for different time periods. Then, the SETAR Modelling, which is the title of the study, has been applied in order to explain the non-linear pattern in detail. The SETAR Modelling process and other definitions statistical analyses of this model have been applied in relevant parities for separate time periods. The SETAR model, which is one of the TAR Group modeling, shows a better performance than many other linear and non-linear modeling. In this study, the secondary purpose is to express that the SETAR model performance is superior to the other models by considering the observation values of the parities.
机译:在向外国市场开放的经济体中,作为宏观经济变量的货币的价值非常重要,尤其是在涉及经济体之间的相互依存关系时。从政治经济学的角度考虑,目标货币的水平至关重要,特别是在具有出口驱动型增长特征的经济体以及努力不破坏宏观经济设计格局的经济体中。如果认为每个时间序列都具有对其自身内部动态敏感的结构(有时这些动态表示为时间序列的组成部分),则这些动态可以为我们提供估计的坐标,并且可以消除对外包变量的强制依赖认真地这正是本研究所做的。首先,根据线性度检验来检验非线性时间序列分析,并将线性度检验应用于所有各方以及不同时间段。然后,以研究的标题为代表的SETAR Modelling被用来详细解释非线性模式。该SETAR建模过程和此模型的其他定义统计分析已在各个时段的相关奇偶校验中应用。 SETAR模型是TAR Group建模的一种,其性能优于许多其他线性和非线性建模。在这项研究中,第二个目的是通过考虑奇偶校验的观察值来表达SETAR模型的性能优于其他模型。



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