首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Sociodemographic Characteristics, Health Literacy, and Care Compliance in Families With Spina Bifida:

Sociodemographic Characteristics, Health Literacy, and Care Compliance in Families With Spina Bifida:




Children with spina bifida experience varying rates of disease complications and health system overutilization. Data on sociodemographics, urinary tract infection, clean intermittent catheterization, and health system utilization were collected from caregiver-patient dyads. Newest Vital Sign (NVS) and Brief Health Literacy Screen (BRIEF) were administered to evaluate health literacy (HL). In total, 105 dyads completed enrolment with 24.8% versus 12.4% of caregivers scoring poor/marginal on the NVS and BRIEF, respectively. Nearly half on clean intermittent catheterization missed a catheterization over the previous week. Medicaid insurance, parental education, and household income predicted HL (P .01). Over the preceding 5 years, 68.5% visited our hospital’s emergency department. Eighteen (25%) visited the emergency department 6 times and 12 incurred charges over $50 000. Caregivers of children who missed ≥4 catheterizations per week had lower NVS scores (P = .03). Children with spina bifida represent hi...
机译:脊柱裂的儿童经历了不同的疾病并发症发生率和卫生系统过度利用。有关社会人口统计学,尿路感染,干净的间歇性导管插入术以及卫生系统利用率的数据均来自看护者-患者的二元组。进行了最新生命体征(NVS)和简短健康素养筛查(BRIEF)评估健康素养(HL)。总共有105个二元组完成了入组,其中24.8%相对于12.4%的护理员在NVS和Brief上的得分为差/边缘。干净的间歇性导管插入术近一半在前一周未进行导管插入术。医疗补助保险,父母教育和家庭收入可预测HL(P <.01)。在过去的5年中,有68.5%的人拜访了我们医院的急诊科。十八(25%)次访问急诊部门> 6次,并产生了超过50,000美元的费用。每周错过≥4次导管插入术的儿童的看护者NVS评分较低(P = .03)。脊柱裂的儿童代表了...



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