首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Validation of Cefazolin as Initial Antibiotic for First Upper Urinary Tract Infection in Children:

Validation of Cefazolin as Initial Antibiotic for First Upper Urinary Tract Infection in Children:




To validate the policy of administering cefazolin (CEZ) as a first-line antibiotic to children who are hospitalized with their first febrile urinary tract infection (UTI), we evaluated microbial susceptibility to CEZ and the efficacy of CEZ. The 75 enrolled children with febrile UTI were initially treated with CEZ. Switching CEZ was not required in 84% of the patients. The median fever duration, prevalence of bacteremia, prevalence of UTI caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli, and median duration of hospitalization were significantly higher in the CEZ-ineffective group. The risks of vesicoureteral reflux, indication of operation, and renal scarring are not increased, even when CEZ is ineffective as a first-line antibiotic. CEZ is effective in more than 80% of pediatric patients with their first febrile UTI, but it should be switched to appropriate antibiotics considering sepsis or the ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae pathogen, when fever does not improve within 72 hours.
机译:为了验证将头孢唑啉(CEZ)作为一线抗生素给予首例高热性尿路感染(UTI)住院儿童的政策,我们评估了微生物对CEZ的敏感性和CEZ的疗效。最初使用CEZ治疗了75名入院的高热性尿路感染儿童。 84%的患者不需要切换CEZ。 CEZ无效组的中值发热持续时间,菌血症患病率,产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBL)大肠杆菌引起的UTI患病率和住院时间的中位数均显着较高。即使CEZ作为一线抗生素无效,膀胱输尿管反流,手术指征和肾脏瘢痕形成的风险也不会增加。 CEZ对超过80%的首例发热性UTI的小儿患者有效,但如果72小时内发烧没有改善,考虑到败血症或产生ESBL的肠杆菌科病原体,应改用适当的抗生素。



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