首页> 外文期刊>Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery >Arthroscopic synovectomy, an alternative in the treatment of brucellar arthritis of the knee with prolonged course. A report of two cases.

Arthroscopic synovectomy, an alternative in the treatment of brucellar arthritis of the knee with prolonged course. A report of two cases.




Brucellosis is a systemic infectious disease which shows a broad spectrum of clinical features. Among them, septic arthritis is one of the most frequent presentations.The authors present to cases of brucellar monoarthritis of the knee with a prolonged course in which arthroscopic synovectomy was performed.Although a combination therapy with two or more antibiotics is the treatment of election, in some cases the clinical course of the disease may be prolonged for a long time. In such cases, arthroscopic synovectomy and drainage of the joint should be considered as the next step to prevent further damage to the joint and bones when initial antibiotic treatment provides no improvement of the sympthoms after one week of treatment. Introduction Brucellosis is a systemic infectious disease caused by small, gram-negative nonsporulating coccobacilli, the Brucella. It is a zoonosis transmitted to humans from infected animals, mainly cattle (goats and sheep) and other domesticated animals such as camels. 1 Brucellae are shed in the feces, milk and urine of these animals and are transmitted to humans through direct contact, consumption of unpasteurized dairy products, or indirectly by environmental exposure to aerosolized infected fecal particles. Many Brucella species can produce human disease, including Brucella mellitensis, Brucella abortus, Brucella Suis and, rarely, Brucella canis. Among them, Brucella mellitensis is the most common source of human infection. It is still endemic in many parts of the world, specially in the Mediterranean countries and the Middle East. The most common clinical features of human brucellosis are undulant fever, sweats, arthromyalgias, lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. 2 However, bone and joint infections are the most frequent localized sites, accounting for up to 85% of these cases. 34 In its acute form, peripheral poly- or mono-arthritis, specially of the larger joints, is a common clinical finding. A single swollen and painful joint is frequently observed as osteoarticular manifestation. The knee has in fact been found to be one of the most commonly affected joint in endemic areas in Greece, Kuwait , and Peru . 5 Brucellosis septic arthritis has become extremely rare in Western Europe and may be misdiagnosed because its variable clinical pictures and, in some chronic cases, microbiological and serological negativity . For this reason, suspicion of Brucella infection may sometimes be the key for correct diagnosis, specially in endemic regions.Although a combination therapy with two or more antibiotics is the treatment of election, in some cases it fails and the clinical course of the disease may be prolonged for a long time. In these cases, as proposed for other septic arthritis, an alteration in the microbial regimen with more definitive drainage should be considered in order to prevent complications such as osteomyelitis, and chondral damage. 6 The authors present two cases in which antibiotic therapy failed and arthroscopic synovectomy was performed. Arthroscopic synovectomy should be the treatment of choice when antibiotic therapy provides no improvement of the sympthoms after one week of treatment. Case Reports Case 1A 53-year-old cattleman was admitted to our department with a three-week history of pain and swelling of the right knee without any history of trauma. Clinical examination revealed a temperature of 37.5oC, a swollen and tender knee with effusion and limited motion. Haematological and biochemical tests were within the normal limits. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was 15 mm/h, C-reactive protein (CRP) showed an increase at 11 mg/l. Antistreptolisyn O and rheumathoid factor were normal.Plain radiographs revealed no pathological findings and magnetic resonance imaging showed an important hydrarthrosis and synovitis. A viscous white synovial fluid was obtained through aspiration under sterile technique. Cell count was 9000 cells/mm 3 with lymphocytic predominance (72% Lymphocyt
机译:布鲁氏菌病是一种全身性传染病,具有广泛的临床特征。其中以败血症性关节炎为最常见的表现之一。作者对膝关节布鲁氏单关节炎的病例进行了长时间的关节镜下滑膜切除术治疗。尽管两种或多种抗生素的联合治疗是选举,在某些情况下,该疾病的临床病程可能会延长很长时间。在这种情况下,如果最初的抗生素治疗一周后未改善症状,则应考虑进行关节镜滑膜切除术和关节引流,以防止进一步损害关节和骨骼。简介布鲁氏菌病是一种由小,革兰氏阴性的非孢子状球菌布鲁氏菌引起的系统性传染病。它是一种人畜共患病,它是从被感染的动物(主要是牛(山羊和绵羊)和其他驯养的动物,例如骆驼)传播给人类的。 1布鲁氏菌在这些动物的粪便,牛奶和尿液中脱落,并通过直接接触,食用未经巴氏消毒的乳制品或通过环境暴露于雾化的感染性粪便颗粒而间接传播给人类。布鲁氏菌的许多种类都可以引起人类疾病,包括梅氏布鲁氏菌,流产布鲁氏菌,猪布鲁氏菌以及犬布鲁氏菌。其中,布鲁氏菌是人类最常见的感染源。它在世界许多地方仍然很流行,特别是在地中海国家和中东。人类布鲁氏菌病最常见的临床特征是不发烧,出汗,关节痛,淋巴结肿大和肝脾肿大。 2然而,骨和关节感染是最常见的局部部位,占这些病例的85%。 34急性多发性周围性或单发性关节炎,特别是大关节,是常见的临床发现。经常观察到单个关节肿胀和疼痛为骨关节表现。实际上,在希腊,科威特和秘鲁的流行地区,人们发现膝盖是最常见的关节之一。 5布鲁氏菌病败血症性关节炎在西欧已变得极为罕见,并可能由于其可变的临床表现以及在某些慢性病例中的微生物学和血清学阴性而被误诊。因此,怀疑布鲁氏菌感染有时可能是正确诊断的关键,特别是在地方病地区。尽管两种或两种以上抗生素的联合疗法可作为选举的治疗方法,但在某些情况下它会失败并可能导致疾病的临床进程被延长很长时间。在这些情况下,如对其他败血症性关节炎所建议的那样,应考虑采用更明确的引流的微生物治疗方案改变,以预防诸如骨髓炎和软骨损伤等并发症。 6作者介绍了两种情况,其中抗生素治疗失败并且进行了关节镜滑膜切除术。当抗生素治疗一周后仍未改善症状时,应选择关节镜滑膜切除术。病例报告病例1A一名53岁的牧羊人因三周的疼痛和右膝肿胀病史入院,没有任何外伤史。临床检查显示温度为37.5oC,膝关节肿胀和触痛,有渗出物且运动受限。血液和生化检查均在正常范围内。红细胞沉降速率(ESR)为15 mm / h,C反应蛋白(CRP)升高11 mg / l。抗链脲佐菌素O和类风湿因子均正常。普通X线片未见病理发现,磁共振成像显示重要的关节炎和滑膜炎。在无菌技术下通过抽吸获得粘稠的白色滑液。淋巴细胞占主导地位的细胞计数为9000细胞/ mm 3(72%淋巴细胞



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