首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Poultry Sciences >Evaluation of Feeding Different Digestible Lysine Intake Levels on Semen Characteristics and Body Weight of Broiler Breeders During Pre-Peak and Peak Production

Evaluation of Feeding Different Digestible Lysine Intake Levels on Semen Characteristics and Body Weight of Broiler Breeders During Pre-Peak and Peak Production




Because research revealing the impact of Lys on reproduction in Broiler Breeders (BB) is sparse, this study was conducted to evaluate the impact of digestible Lys (dLys) on BB semen characteristics and BW. Eighty males were caged individually from 20 to 39 wk of age. Treatment 1 and 2 diets had the same level of dLys (1,000 mg/rooster/day) in a corn-soybean meal based diet (Soy 1000) and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS; DDGS 1000) diet, respectively. Treatment 3, 4 and 5 diets had the inclusion of DDGS in order to titrate dLys intake levels of 850 (DDGS850), 700 (DDGS700) and 550 (DDGS550) mg/rooster/day, respectively. Body weight and semen samples were determined every 2 wk from 26 to 38 wk of age. Immediately after semen collection, samples were analyzed for semen volume, sperm viability, sperm concentration and the Sperm Quality Index (SQI). BW of roosters fed Soy 1,000 was higher than the other treatments from wk 26 through wk 38. This excess weight could be due to over estimating the energy content of DDGS resulting in diets that were not isocaloric. At 28 wk and continuing through wk 38, the percentage of dead sperm was highest in roosters fed Soy 1000. Also, at wk 38 plasma testosterone concentrations were higher for roosters fed Soy 1000. In conclusion, varying levels of dLys (1,000-550 mg/rooster/day) in a DDGS based diet does not appear to cause adverse effects on BB male semen quality during pre-peak and peak production.
机译:由于揭示Lys对肉鸡种鸡(BB)繁殖的影响的研究稀疏,因此该研究旨在评估可消化Lys(dLys)对BB精液特性和BW的影响。从20周到39周龄,有80只雄性被单独关押。在玉米-豆粕基日粮(Soy 1000)和酒糟含可溶物(DDGS; DDGS 1000)的日粮中,处理1和2日粮的dLys水平(1,000 mg /公鸡/天)分别相同。治疗3、4和5日粮中均添加了DDGS,以使dLys摄入水平分别为850(DDGS850),700(DDGS700)和550(DDGS550)mg /雄鸡/天。在26至38周龄之间每2周测定一次体重和精液样本。收集精液后,立即分析样品的精液量,精子活力,精子浓度和精子质量指数(SQI)。从第26周到第38周,饲喂大豆1,000头的公鸡的体重高于其他处理方法。体重过重可能是由于过高估计了DDGS的能量含量,导致日粮的摄入量不均衡。在第28周并持续到第38周,饲喂大豆1000的公鸡的精子死亡百分比最高。此外,饲喂大豆1000的公鸡在38周的血浆睾丸激素浓度更高。总之,不同水平的dLys(1,000-550 mg /公鸡/天)在DDGS高峰期和高峰生产期间似乎并未对BB男性精液质量造成不利影响。



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