首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Nephrology >Prevalence of Microalbuminuria in Adult Patients with Sickle Cell Disease in Eastern Saudi Arabia

Prevalence of Microalbuminuria in Adult Patients with Sickle Cell Disease in Eastern Saudi Arabia




Background Proteinuria is a common feature of sickle cell nephropathy (SCN) that can progress to renal insufficiency and end stage renal disease. Microalbuminuria (MA) is the earliest manifestation of SCN and precedes the development of overt proteinuria. In addition to the renal consequences, MA is linked to cardiovascular complications. Periodic screening and early detection of MA allow early intervention that may reduce the risk of progression to advanced renal failure and cardiovascular diseases. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of MA in patients with SCD in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. Methods A prospective cross-sectional observational study was conducted at Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH). Urine samples of SCD patients 18 years old and older were tested for the presence of MA using urinary albumin over creatinine ratio (ACR). Correlation was tested with multiple variables including age, gender, body mass index (BMI), hemoglobin level, blood pressure, blood transfusion history, pain episodes, and use of hydroxyurea. Results Urine samples were tested on 72 patients. The mean age of the study cohort was 35 ± 16.9 years. Microalbuminuria was detected in 18 patients (25%). No correlation was found with any of the tested variables. Conclusion Microalbuminuria is a common finding in patients with SCD in eastern Saudi Arabia. Patients with SCD should be screened for MA, and those with positive tests should probably be treated with antiproteinuric agents that may slow the progression to advanced stages of renal failure and decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
机译:背景蛋白尿是镰状细胞性肾病(SCN)的共同特征,可发展为肾功能不全和终末期肾脏疾病。微量白蛋白尿(MA)是SCN的最早表现,在明显的蛋白尿发展之前。除肾脏后果外,MA还与心血管并发症相关。定期筛查和及早发现MA可进行早期干预,从而可以降低进展为晚期肾衰竭和心血管疾病的风险。目的本研究的目的是调查沙特阿拉伯东部地区SCD患者的MA患病率。方法在Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare(JHAH)进行前瞻性横断面观察研究。使用尿白蛋白/肌酐比值(ACR)检测了18岁及18岁以上SCD患者的尿液中是否存在MA。使用多个变量测试了相关性,包括年龄,性别,体重指数(BMI),血红蛋白水平,血压,输血史,疼痛发作和羟基脲的使用。结果对72例患者进行了尿液检测。研究队列的平均年龄为35±16.9岁。在18例患者中检测到微量白蛋白尿(25%)。没有发现与任何测试变量的相关性。结论在沙特阿拉伯东部的SCD患者中常见微量白蛋白尿。应该对患有SCD的患者进行MA筛查,对于那些筛查阳性的患者,应该使用抗蛋白尿剂治疗,这些药物可以减缓肾衰竭进展至晚期并降低患心血管疾病的风险。



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