首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Community Service Learning >The Role of Teachers in Building National Character Values through Traditional Games for Elementary School Students

The Role of Teachers in Building National Character Values through Traditional Games for Elementary School Students




Rapid technological and information developments have impacted changes in various lines of life. The big impact that arises from the changes that occur is the decline in the values of the nation's character. The problem solving effort is by providing guidance in improving the ability of educators in shaping the values of the national character of elementary school students. The targets in this activity are the Teacher Working Group (KKG) in SD PBI and KKG in SDN 208 Luginasari. The method used in the form of organizing seminars and workshops on the role of teachers in building national character values to elementary school students. The activity was carried out quite well. Teachers are given debriefing and skills to carry out learning activities that contain character education through traditional game intermediaries. Suggestions for the achievement of the objectives of this activity is that assistance is still needed for the teacher so that the teachers can consistently transform their knowledge and skills in the path that we all expect.
机译:快速的技术和信息发展已经影响了生活的各种变化。发生的变化所带来的最大影响是国家品格价值的下降。解决问题的努力是通过提供指导,以提高教育者塑造小学生民族性格价值观的能力。该活动的目标是SD PBI中的教师工作组(KKG)和SDN 208 Luginasari中的KKG。该方法以组织研讨会和讲习班的形式使用,涉及教师在为小学生建立民族性格价值方面的作用。活动进行得很好。通过传统的游戏中介,为教师提供了汇报和技巧,以开展学习活动,其中包括角色教育。为实现本活动目标的建议是,仍需要教师的帮助,以便教师可以按照我们都期望的方式不断地改变他们的知识和技能。



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