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A Guideline for Game Development-Based Learning: A Literature Review




This study aims at reviewing the published scientific literature on the topics of a game development-based learning (GDBL) method using game development frameworks (GDFs) with the perspective of (a) summarizing a guideline for using GDBL in a curriculum, (b) identifying relevant features of GDFs, and (c) presenting a synthesis of impact factors with empirical evidence on the educational effectiveness of the GDBL method. After systematically going through the available literature on the topic, 34 relevant articles were selected for the final study. We analyzed the articles from three perspectives: (1) pedagogical context and teaching process, (2) selection of GDFs, and (3) evaluation of the GDBL method. The findings from the 34 articles suggest that GDFs have many potential benefits as an aid to teach computer science, software engineering, art design, and other fields and that such GDFs combined with the motivation from games can improve the students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors in contrast to the traditional classroom teaching. Furthermore, based on the results of the literature review, we extract a guideline of how to apply the GDBL method in education. The empirical evidence of current findings gives a positive overall picture and can provide a useful reference to educators, practitioners, and researchers in the area of game-based learning.
机译:这项研究旨在回顾有关使用游戏开发框架(GDF)进行基于游戏开发的学习(GDBL)方法的主题的科学文献,其观点为(a)总结在课程中使用GDBL的指南,(b)确定GDF的相关特征,并(c)提出影响因素的综合,并提供有关GDBL方法的教育有效性的经验证据。在系统地浏览了有关该主题的可用文献之后,选择了34篇相关文章进行最终研究。我们从三个角度分析了文章:(1)教学情境和教学过程,(2)GDF的选择,以及(3)GDBL方法的评估。这34篇文章的发现表明,GDF具有许多潜在的益处,可以帮助教授计算机科学,软件工程,美术设计和其他领域,并且这种GDF与游戏的动机相结合可以提高学生的知识,技能和态度。 ,行为与传统课堂教学相反。此外,根据文献综述的结果,我们提取了如何在教育中应用GDBL方法的指南。当前发现的经验证据提供了积极的总体印象,可以为基于游戏的学习领域的教育者,从业者和研究人员提供有用的参考。



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