首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine >Anti-Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras

Anti-Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras

机译:Talakeshwara Ras的抗菌活性



Rasa Shastra, one of the Pharmaco-therapeutic branches of Ayurveda where metals, minerals, poisonous plants and animal products are used after proper processing for internal administration. Talakeshwara Ras is one of Khalvi rasayanas where Emblica officinalis (Dhatri) and minerals Arsenic tri sulphide (Haratala) & Borax (Tankana) are the ingredients. It is indicated for Sarva Kushta at one Masha (1 gm) dose. Anti -Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras was done with an intention to evaluate its efficacy against gram positive and gram negative bacilli. So an honest attempt has been made to put forth the "Anti - Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras" which had its anti microbial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
机译:Rasa Shastra是阿育吠陀的药物治疗分支之一,在经过适当处理以进行内部给药后,会使用金属,矿物质,有毒植物和动物产品。 Talakeshwara Ras是Khalvi rasayanas之一,其中的余甘子(Dhatri)和矿物质三硫化二砷(Haratala)和硼砂(Tankana)是成分。 Sarva Kushta的剂量为一剂玛莎(1 gm)。为了评估Talakeshwara Ras对革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性杆菌的功效,进行了抗微生物活性。因此,人们进行了诚实的尝试,提出了具有抗金黄色葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌的抗微生物活性的“ Talakeshwara Ras的抗微生物活性”。



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