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Dizionario gramsciano / Gramsci dictionary: Hegemony




Hegemony is by now the most widely used concept of all those found in the Prison Notebooks and developed there by Gramsci. The first use in the Notebooks occurs very early on, purely in the sense of a political hegemony exercised by the so-called “Moderates” in the Risorgimento. There is no unique meaning attached to “hegemony” but an oscillation between a narrow “leadership” as contrasted with “domination” and a broader one which includes both “leadership” and “domination”, leading the allied classes or groups and dominating the opposing ones: in Gramsci’s words, the “ ‘normal’ exercise of hegemony” is characterized by a “combination of force and consent”. Hegemony is exercised across a variety of fields – not solely political as in the first use of the term, but “political-intellectual”, “intellectual, moral and political”, “politico-cultural” and “cultural”. And the content of political hegemony “must be predominantly of an economic order”. The intellectuals, as defined and discussed by Gramsci in the Notebooks, occupy a particular role in the exercise of hegemony in society by the dominant group and in the domination over society embodied by the State. In a struggle for hegemony, a subaltern group must go beyond the economic-corporative phase, to advance to “political-intellectual hegemony in civil society and become dominant in political society”. Hegemony is intimately connected with democracy, such that in a hegemonic system “there is democracy between the leading groups and the groups that are led”.
机译:迄今为止,“霸权”是所有在“监狱笔记本”中发现并由Gramsci开发的概念中使用最广泛的概念。笔记本中的首次使用发生在很早的时候,完全是出于Risorgimento中所谓的“温和派”行使政治霸权的意义。 “霸权”没有独特的含义,而是狭窄的“领导”与“统治”形成对照,而更广泛的包括“领导”和“统治”的变化在领导同盟的阶级或群体并支配反对派之间产生了振荡。一个:用葛兰西的话来说,“霸权的'正常'行使”的特征是“武力和同意的结合”。霸权在各个领域中行使-不仅是第一次使用时的政治性,而且是“政治-智力”,“智力,道德和政治”,“政治-文化”和“文化”。政治霸权的内容“必须主要是经济秩序”。葛兰西在《笔记本》中定义和讨论的知识分子,在占统治地位的群体行使社会霸权和国家体现的对社会的统治中,起着特殊的作用。在争夺霸权的斗争中,一个下属集团必须超越经济合并的阶段,发展为“公民社会中的政治智力霸权并在政治社会中占主导地位”。霸权与民主紧密相连,因此在霸权体系中“领导集团与被领导集团之间存在民主”。



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