首页> 外文期刊>IIMB Management Review >On the “non-discrimination” aspect of FRAND licensing: A response to the Indian Competition Commission's recent orders

On the “non-discrimination” aspect of FRAND licensing: A response to the Indian Competition Commission's recent orders




The Indian Competition Commission has recently challenged Ericsson's practice of licensing its standards-essential patents (SEPs), relating to cellular standards, for percentage-based royalties based on the selling prices of the end-user licensed products. Ericsson had committed to the relevant standards-development organisation that it would license its SEPs on “fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory” (“FRAND”) terms. The Commission contends that such royalties are “prima facie discriminatory” in violation of the Competition Act, in the (novel) sense that different products selling for different prices pay different per-unit royalties. We analyse the broader implications of the Commission's reasoning, concerned that if adopted, the Commission's reasoning would disrupt common industry licensing practices.
机译:印度竞争委员会最近对爱立信根据蜂窝用户标准许可其标准必要专利(SEP)的做法提出了质疑,该做法是根据最终用户许可产品的售价以百分比为基础的特许权使用费。爱立信已向相关标准制定组织承诺,它将以“公平,合理和非歧视性”(“ FRAND”)条款许可其SEP。委员会认为,这种特许权使用费具有“表面上的歧视性”,违反了《竞争法》,从(新颖的)意义上说,以不同价格出售的不同产品将支付不同的单位特许权使用费。我们分析了委员会推理的更广泛含义,担心如果委员会采用该推理,将会破坏常见的行业许可惯例。



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