首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America >Physico-chemical changes during growth and development of papaya fruit. Ι: Physical changes

Physico-chemical changes during growth and development of papaya fruit. Ι: Physical changes

机译:木瓜果实生长发育过程中的理化变化。 Ι:身体变化



Physical changes during growth and development of female and hermaphrodite fruits of ‘EkostikaΙ’, ‘Ekostika II’ and ‘Baladi’ papaya fruits were studied. The fruits of both types of the threecultivars followed typical simple sigmoid curves. Fruit fresh weight and volume progressivelyincreased up to physiological maturity (120 days after anthesis, DAA) and remained constantafterwards. The female fruits of the three cultivars were shorter and wider and with higher freshweight and volume at maturity, compared to hermaphrodite fruits. Respiration curves of both fruittypes of the three papaya cultivars exhibited a typical climacteric pattern. Respiration rateprogressively declined to a minimum value at physiological maturity (120 DAA) and thenincreased in a climacteric pattern with peak of respiration at 140 DAA. Fruit flesh firmness slightlydecreased up the physiological maturity and then sharply declined in a similar manner. Most ofthat decline occurred during the ripening phase (125-145 DAA). Papaya fruits should beharvested shortly (5-10 days) after physiological maturity, where the fruit attains maximum sizeand weight, it is still firm and climacteric rise phase has just started.
机译:研究了雌木两性果实“EkostikaΙ”,“ Ekostika II”和“ Baladi”木瓜果实生长发育过程中的物理变化。这三个品种的两种类型的果实都遵循典型的S型曲线。果实的鲜重和体积逐渐增加直至生理成熟(花后120天,DAA),此后保持恒定。与雌雄同体的果实相比,这三个品种的雌性果实较短且较宽,成熟时的鲜重和体积较高。三个木瓜品种的两种果实类型的呼吸曲线表现出典型的更年期模式。在生理成熟期(120 DAA),呼吸速率逐渐下降到最小值,然后以更年期模式增加,在140 DAA达到呼吸峰值。果肉的硬度略微降低了生理成熟度,然后以类似的方式急剧下降。大部分下降发生在成熟阶段(125-145 DAA)。番木瓜果实应在生理成熟后不久(5-10天)进行收获,该果实达到最大的大小和重量,仍然结实,更年期的上升阶段才刚刚开始。



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