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How Basal Ganglia Outputs Generate Behavior




The basal ganglia (BG) are a collection of subcortical nuclei critical for voluntary behavior. According to the standard model, the output projections from the BG tonically inhibit downstream motor centers and prevent behavior. A pause in the BG output opens the gate for behavior, allowing the initiation of actions. Hypokinetic neurological symptoms, such as inability to initiate actions in Parkinson’s disease, are explained by excessively high firing rates of the BG output neurons. This model, widely taught in textbooks, is contradicted by recent electrophysiological results, which are reviewed here. In addition, I also introduce a new model, based on the insight that behavior is a product of closed loop negative feedback control using internal reference signals rather than sensorimotor transformations. The nervous system is shown to be a functional hierarchy comprising independent controllers occupying different levels, each level controlling specific variables derived from its perceptual inputs. The BG represent the level of transition control in this hierarchy, sending reference signals specifying the succession of body orientations and configurations. This new model not only explains the major symptoms in movement disorders but also generates a number of testable predictions.
机译:基底神经节(BG)是皮层下核对自愿行为至关重要的集合。根据标准模型,BG的输出投影会在音调上抑制下游电机中心并阻止行为。 BG输出中的暂停为行为打开了大门,允许采取行动。运动动力学神经系统症状,例如无法在帕金森氏病中启动作用,可以通过BG输出神经元的过高放电率来解释。在教科书中广泛教授的这种模型与最近的电生理结果相矛盾,在此进行综述。此外,我还介绍了一种新模型,该模型基于以下见解:行为是使用内部参考信号而不是感觉运动转换的闭环负反馈控制的产物。所示的神经系统是一个功能层次结构,包括占据不同级别的独立控制器,每个级别控制从其感知输入中得出的特定变量。 BG代表此层次结构中的过渡控制级别,发送指定身体方向和配置的连续参考信号。这个新模型不仅解释了运动障碍的主要症状,而且还产生了许多可检验的预测。



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