首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Literary Study >Study of the Effect of Imaginary Imagery (Imaginary Color, Imaginary Figure, Imaginary Space Building and Fantasy in Characterization) on the Characterization of Children

Study of the Effect of Imaginary Imagery (Imaginary Color, Imaginary Figure, Imaginary Space Building and Fantasy in Characterization) on the Characterization of Children




Provided introduction is related to imagination in children’s story books. Review ing the books of this course, in addition to introducing the author’s styles, leads to more knowledge about the content of these books . The imaginary imagery as the main gem of these books is considered as one of the most important artistic criteria. Types of colors, shapes and characteristics are the most striking forms of imagination in this work. Applying live metaphors and exquisite combinations which appear on the vapor of imagery and the remarkable frequency of ecosystemism can be seen in these works. Children build the foundations of the future civilization ; therefore, in order to understand and promote the culture of our country, the study of the effect of imagery in the works of Iranian illustrators associated with the stories of Iranian writers is considered as the research goal. Another goal of this study was to identify the elements that illustrators have been inclined to use to make more visual imagery over the past decade. The methodology of this research is historical and descriptive-analytical, and the collection of materials has been done through library and internet studies. The results of the review of books and images and examples from the age group “B and C” books by the Children’s and Adolescent Intellectual Development Center indicate that the use of fictional imagery in the illustrations of the last decade has been growing and more illustrators have taken fantastic elements in creating the story space. The most commonly used fictional imagery is imaginary space, and the smallest is imaginative characters.
机译:提供的介绍与儿童故事书中的想象力有关。回顾本课程的书籍,除了介绍作者的风格以外,还可以使他们对这些书籍的内容有更多的了解。虚构的图像是这些书籍的主要瑰宝,被认为是最重要的艺术标准之一。颜色,形状和特征的类型是这项作品中最引人注目的形式。在这些作品中,可以运用生动的隐喻和精美的组合出现在图像的气息和生态系统的非凡频率上。儿童为未来的文明奠定了基础;因此,为了理解和促进我国的文化,研究与伊朗作家的故事相关的伊朗插画家作品中的图像效果是研究的目标。这项研究的另一个目标是确定过去十年来插图画家倾向于用来制作更多视觉图像的元素。这项研究的方法是历史的和描述性的分析,并且材料的收集已经通过图书馆和互联网研究完成。儿童和青少年智力发展中心对书籍和图像以及年龄在“ B和C”年龄组的书籍进行示例审查的结果表明,在过去十年中,虚构图像在插画中的使用正在增长,并且有更多插画家在创建故事空间中采用了奇妙的元素最常用的虚构图像是虚构空间,最小的是虚构人物。



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