首页> 外文期刊>Cancer and Oncology Research >Utilizing SPR as a Novel Technique to Measure Cell Aggregation for Ketamine Treated Brain Gliomas

Utilizing SPR as a Novel Technique to Measure Cell Aggregation for Ketamine Treated Brain Gliomas




This work is devoted to a new approach to use of the inhibitor of glutamate-ionotropic NMDA-receptor-ketamine in treatment of rat malignant gliomas. Optimal ketamine concentrations for inhibition of tumor-associated inflammation in gliomas was found through measurement of blood cells aggregation in vitro in patients with gliomas. For the first time, the method of surface plasmon resonance was used to determine the degree of blood cell aggregation as the II phase of inflammation. Experiments for measure of ketamine antitumor activity were performed using the high-invasive and malignant strain of the rat glioma 101.8. The correlation between antitumor activity and blood cells aggregation was found. Unlike highly toxic preparations administered during human gliomas chemotherapies, low doses of ketamine is nontoxic, efficacious and it does not produce side effects.



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