首页> 外文期刊>Desalination and water treatment >Modeling and optimization by response surface methodology and neural network-genetic algorithm for decolorization of real textile dye effluent using Pleurotus ostreatus: a comparison study

Modeling and optimization by response surface methodology and neural network-genetic algorithm for decolorization of real textile dye effluent using Pleurotus ostreatus: a comparison study


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This study focuses on the modeling and optimization of the decolorization procedure of real textile dye. The percentage of decolorization of effluent in the Erlenmeyer flask level, as obtained by both response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN), was determined and subjected to comparative evaluation. The effect of independent variables such as pH (5-8), self-immobilized Pleurotus ostreatus, bead volume (30-50%) (V-b/V-r), and initial effluent concentration (50-100%) was examined using three-level Box-Behnken design. A similar design was utilized to train a feed-forward multilayered perceptron with back-propagation algorithm. Errors were computed using error functions, and the values obtained for RSM and ANN were compared. The maximum percentage decolorization and COD reduction of effluent under optimized conditions over a 24-h period were observed as 89 and 72%, respectively. The parameters optimized in the flask level were adapted in an inverse fluidized bed bioreactor of 6l working volume, in which the quantity of decolorization and COD reduction over a 24-h period was observed as 92 and 76%, respectively.
机译:这项研究的重点是真实纺织品染料脱色过程的建模和优化。确定了通过响应面方法(RSM)和人工神经网络(ANN)获得的锥形瓶中出水的脱色百分比,并进行了比较评估。使用三级法检查了诸如pH(5-8),自固定平菇,珠粒体积(30-50%)(Vb / Vr)和初始出水浓度(50-100%)等独立变量的影响Box-Behnken设计。利用类似的设计,通过反向传播算法来训练前馈多层感知器。使用误差函数计算误差,并对获得的RSM和ANN值进行比较。在优化的条件下,在24小时内,废水的最大脱色率和COD减少率分别为89%和72%。在容量为6l的逆流化床生物反应器中调整了烧瓶水平的优化参数,其中在24小时内的脱色量和COD减少量分别为92%和76%。



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