首页> 外文期刊>Cybernetics & Human Knowing >A (Cybernetic) Musing: Wholes and Parts, Chapter 1

A (Cybernetic) Musing: Wholes and Parts, Chapter 1


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Editorial remarks: This is Ranulph Glanville's last column for CHK. He passed away in the middle of our usual dialogue and negotiations about length and content. He was in and out of hospital while this conversation was going on. Suddenly he did not reply and Aartje Hulstein told me he had died peacefuly. But even in hospital they had talked about his answers to my questions. We knew time was short as we worked along, but had no idea that it was so short. He died as he lived, working and producing in high spirit. Thus, only the first of his column's two planed halves were finished. And even that was not quite finished. But Aartje Hulstein, Albert Mueller and Bernard Scott helped to fill in the holes, mostly references and the like. So, here it is "with a little help from his friends." It is only the first chapter of the two planned, he never had time to work on the second chapter, after which he planned to retire from writing the column. Retire he did, in his own definite way. Thus both life and column was cut short. His contribution to CHK was unique and it and he will be deeply missed. We will be publishing a Festschrift issue in his honor soon. S.B.
机译:社论评论:这是Ranulph Glanville在CHK上发表的最后一栏。在我们通常进行的有关长度和内容的对话和谈判中,他去世了。谈话进行期间,他在医院内外。突然他没有回信,阿尔特·赫尔斯坦(Aartje Hulstein)告诉我他死于和平。但是即使在医院里,他们也谈到了他对我的问题的回答。我们知道,随着时间的推移,时间很短,但是却不知道时间这么短。他在高尚的生活,工作和生产中去世。因此,仅完成了他专栏的两个计划一半中的第一个。甚至还没有完成。但是Aartje Hulstein,Albert Mueller和Bernard Scott帮助填补了空白,主要是参考文献等。因此,这里是“在他的朋友的帮助下”。这只是计划的第二章的第一章,他再也没有时间从事第二章的工作,之后他计划退出撰写专栏。他以自己确定的方式退休。因此,寿命和色谱柱都缩短了。他对CHK的贡献是独一无二的,并且将深深地怀念他。为了纪念他,我们将出版一本Festschrift杂志。 S.B.



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