首页> 外文期刊>Computers in Human Behavior >Analysis of assessment opportunities of learning spaces: On-line versus face to face methodologies

Analysis of assessment opportunities of learning spaces: On-line versus face to face methodologies


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In the last decade, new methodologies have been introduced in higher education, based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), with the aim of promoting a new teaching based on learning. Moreover, the new standards under the European Higher Education Area, show the relevance of using the concept of competences as a basis for learning outcomes, in order to measure and evaluate the students' learning outcomes, assessment methods become a key tool in teaching and learning systems.In this context, several forms of assessment have been introduced in higher education where ICTS have changed the traditional assessment. Therefore, a key concept is to detect the implications of the different teaching methodologies (face to face and on-line) and assessment activities in the learning process of students.This paper develops a methodology, based on information theory measures, that allows us to determine which assessment activity involves a better discrimination of students' levels of acquired competences in a subject of Business Administration and Management degree. The results show that continuous assessment methodology, based on ICTs, have a positive impact in the learning process and in the obtained erades in the final exam.



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