首页> 外文期刊>Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE >A Behavior-Authoring Framework for Multiactor Simulations

A Behavior-Authoring Framework for Multiactor Simulations


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Interest has been growing in the behavioral animation of autonomous actors in virtual worlds. However, authoring complicated interactions between multiple actors in a way that balances control flexibility and automation remains a considerable challenge. A proposed behavior-authoring framework gives users complete control over the domain of the system: the state space, action space, and cost of executing actions. To specialize actors, the framework uses effect and cost modifiers, which modify existing action definitions, and constraints, which prune action choices in a state-dependent manner. The framework groups actors with common or conflicting goals to form a composite domain, and a multiagent planner generates complicated interactions between multiple actors. The Web extra is a video that shows how multiactor simulations should aim to strike a happy medium between the automation of generation and the flexibility of specification.
机译:人们对虚拟世界中自主演员的行为动画越来越感兴趣。但是,以平衡控制灵活性和自动化的方式编写多个参与者之间的复杂交互仍然是一个巨大的挑战。提议的行为授权框架为用户提供了对系统域的完全控制:状态空间,动作空间和执行动作的成本。为了使参与者更加专业,该框架使用了效果和成本修饰符,这些修饰符修改了现有的动作定义和约束,从而以取决于状态的方式修剪了动作选择。框架将具有共同或冲突目标的参与者分组,以形成一个复合域,而多主体计划器会在多个参与者之间生成复杂的交互。 Web Extra是一个视频,展示了多角色仿真应该如何在发电自动化和规范灵活性之间取得良好的平衡。



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