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Urban accessibility issues: Techno-scientific democratizations at the documentation interface


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After many struggles from disability rights and independent-living advocates, urban accessibility has gradually become a concern for many urban planners across post-industrial countries. In this paper, based on ethnographic field-work studies in Barcelona working with urban accessibility professionals and activists, we argue for the importance of the 'documentation interfaces' created in their struggles: that is, the relational processes to collabora-tively build multi-media accounts in a diversity of formats seeking to enforce different translations of bodily needs into specific urban accessibility arrangements. In discussion with the asymmetries that the ongoing expertization of accessibility might be opening up, we would like to foreground these apparently irrelevant practices as an interesting site to reflect on how urban accessibility struggles might allow us to rethink the project of technical democracy and its applications to urban issues. Two cases are analyzed: (1) the creation of Streets for All, a platform to contest and to sensitize technicians and citizens alike of the problems of 'shared streets' for the blind and partially sighted led by the Catalan Association for the Blind; and (2) the organization of the Tinkerthon, a DIY and open-source hardware workshop boosted by En torno a la silla to facilitate the creation of a network of tinkerers seeking to self-manage accessibility infrastructures. These cases not only bring to the fore different takes on the democratization of the relations between technical professionals and disability rights advocates, but also offer different approaches to the politics of univer-sals in the design of urban accessibility arrangements.
机译:在与残疾人权利和独立生活倡导者进行了许多斗争之后,城市可达性已逐渐成为后工业化国家中许多城市规划者关注的问题。在本文中,基于在巴塞罗那进行的人种学田野调查,与城市无障碍获取专业人员和激进主义者一起工作,我们认为在他们的斗争中创建“文档界面”的重要性:也就是说,通过协作建立多方关系的关系过程各种形式的媒体报道,试图将身体需求的不同翻译转化为特定的城市无障碍设施。在讨论目前可能会开放的无障碍专业知识的不对称性时,我们希望将这些看似无关的做法作为一个有趣的场所,以反思城市无障碍性斗争如何使我们能够重新思考技术民主的项目及其在城市问题。分析了两个案例:(1)建立全民街道,一个平台,该平台旨在使加泰罗尼亚盲人协会领导的盲人和部分失明的盲人和部分盲人“共享街道”的问题相互竞争并使他们敏感。 (2)Tinkerthon的组织,这是一个由En torno la la silla推动的DIY和开源硬件研讨会,以促进建立修补匠网络以寻求自我管理可访问性基础设施。这些案例不仅使技术专业人员与残疾人权利倡导者之间的关系民主化产生了不同的见解,而且在设计城市无障碍设施方面为大学政治提供了不同的方法。



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