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Managing Proprietary and Shared Platforms


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Individually targeted television ads-for two decades, a dream of marketers eager for efficiency gains-are moving closer to reality. Most of the technologies required for targeting are now in place. Fifty percent of U.S. households have broadband Internet connections, and the long-promised convergence of TV sets and personal computers is in full swing with products like Apple TV and the Windows Vista Media Center. But who will build and run the platform needed to target TV ads? The coordination task will be demanding due to the large number of different parties involved, including marketers, Madison Avenue, broadcast networks, cable TV systems, and consumer electronics companies, among others. The effort will require new protocols for information exchange as well as huge investments in software development and server infrastructure. Will these burdens be borne by a single firm, for example, Google or eBay? Both firms have already launched online exchanges that match buyers and sellers of TV ads. Alternately, will a consortium of firms emerge to set standards and share infrastructure costs, as it is with stock exchanges and credit card associations?
机译:以个人为目标的电视广告-二十年来,市场营销人员梦for以求的效率提升-越来越接近现实。定位所需的大多数技术现已到位。 50%的美国家庭拥有宽带Internet连接,电视机和个人计算机的长期承诺的融合正在如Apple TV和Windows Vista Media Center之类的产品中全面展开。但是,谁来构建和运行定位电视广告所需的平台呢?由于涉及的各方众多,因此协调任务将非常艰巨,其中包括营销人员,麦迪逊大道,广播网络,有线电视系统和消费电子公司等。这项工作将需要用于信息交换的新协议以及在软件开发和服务器基础结构方面的巨额投资。这些负担将由单个公司(例如Google或eBay)承担吗?两家公司已经启动了在线交流,以匹配电视广告的买卖双方。或者,是否会出现像证券交易所和信用卡协会一样的企业财团来制定标准并分摊基础设施成本?



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