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Food safety knowledge, attitude and food handling practices of students


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Purpose - The number of reported food-borne illnesses has increased recently in the world. In this respect, this study is carried out with the aim of investigating the food safety knowledge, attitude and food handling practices of university students in Turkey. Design/methodology/approach - Questionnaires were applied to 1,340 people volunteered in the study, regarding their knowledge, attitude and practices. The research data was collected through a face-to-face questionnaire. An overall number of 1,340 university students from three different institutions were included in this study. Gender distribution was 54.6 per cent for male while that of female was 45.4 per cent, and age range was between 18-24 years. Findings - Depending on the respondents' gender, a statistically significant difference was found between male and female participants on total food safety knowledge, attitude and practice scores (P < 0.001). In addition, there was a statistically significant difference between students' institutes (p < 0.001). Also, a correlation was found between food safety knowledge attitude and practice (p < 0.001). Research limitations/implications - Because the population of this study consisted of university students from different faculties in the city of Ankara, the results cannot be generalized to all students or to all ages. Comment on the results is limited due to responses being self reported, which are prone to bias by the subjects. Originality/value - To the best of the authors' knowledge, limited studies focused on university students have been found in the Turkish literature and there is a lack of study concerning food safety knowledge, attitude and practice of university students in Ankara, Turkey. The originality of this study is to assess the level of food safety attitude, knowledge and food handling practice to investigate the association between the students' institutions and gender among university students in Turkey. There is a need to assess the food safety knowledge, attitude and practice of this target group as they are more likely to engage in risky eating behaviors, thus are more susceptible to food-borne illnesses and they are more likely to engage in risky food handling practices because of their future roles as parents and food preparers for his/her family.
机译:目的-最近世界上报告的食源性疾病数量增加。在这方面,本研究旨在调查土耳其大学生的食品安全知识,态度和食品处理习惯。设计/方法/方法-对自愿参加研究的1,340人进行问卷调查,了解他们的知识,态度和做法。研究数据通过面对面的问卷收集。这项研究包括来自三个不同机构的1,340名大学生。男性的性别分布为54.6%,而女性则为45.4%,年龄范围在18-24岁之间。调查结果-根据受访者的性别,在总体食品安全知识,态度和实践得分上,男女参加者之间存在统计学差异(P <0.001)。此外,学生所在的学院之间存在统计学差异(p <0.001)。此外,在食品安全知识态度与实践之间发现相关性(p <0.001)。研究的局限性/含意-由于本研究的人群是来自安卡拉市不同系的大学生组成的,因此其结果不能推广到所有学生或所有年龄段。由于对结果的自我报告是有限的,因此对结果的评论受到限制,这很容易引起受试者的偏见。原创性/价值-据作者所知,土耳其文学中只针对大学生进行了有限的研究,并且在土耳其安卡拉缺少有关大学生食品安全知识,态度和实践的研究。这项研究的独创性是评估食品安全态度,知识和食品处理实践的水平,以调查土耳其大学生中学生机构与性别之间的关联。有必要评估该目标群体的食品安全知识,态度和做法,因为他们更容易从事危险的饮食行为,因此更容易受到食源性疾病的侵害,并且他们更可能从事危险的食品处理因为他们将来会作为父母和家庭食物的准备者而从事这些活动。



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