首页> 外文期刊>Australian journal of water resources >Why we disagree about the Murray-Darling Basin Plan: water reform, environmental knowledge and the science-policy decision context

Why we disagree about the Murray-Darling Basin Plan: water reform, environmental knowledge and the science-policy decision context


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Narratives emerging from the interaction between science and policy set the common language for understanding complex environmental issues. We explore discourses of contestation over a major environmental policy, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, intended to reallocate irrigation water to restore the environment in south-eastern Australia. We examine three areas of scientific knowledge and decision-making at the science-policy interface: (1) water accounting and availability; (2) perspectives on ecological change and (3) issues of trust and the management of environmental water. Engagement and communication between scientists, bureaucrats and the public forms the basis for understanding contestation: over different sets of values, expectations of what scientists can deliver, perceptions of risk and uncertainty, interpretation of conflicting messages and economic development versus conservation. The Basin Plan was shaped by institutional processes not designed to account for such differences and has inadvertently promoted contestation through exclusion of world views that do not fit those of the decision makers. We consider how the Basin Plan can be re-framed by changing the values, rules and knowledge that set the decision context. These changes enable the Basin Plan to be re-conceptualised from a problem to be solved to an idea that can mobilise imaginative engagement by agents with diverse perspectives.
机译:科学与政策之间相互作用产生的叙事为理解复杂的环境问题设定了共同的语言。我们将探讨有关主要环境政策(默里-达令盆地计划)的争论话题,该计划旨在重新分配灌溉水以恢复澳大利亚东南部的环境。我们在科学政策的界面上考察了科学知识和决策的三个方面:(1)水核算和可利用性; (2)关于生态变化的观点,以及(3)信任和环境水管理问题。科学家,官僚与公众之间的参与和沟通构成了理解竞争的基础:在不同的价值观上,人们对科学家可以提供的期望值,对风险和不确定性的认识,对相互矛盾的信息的理解以及经济发展与保护的对比。 《流域计划》是由没有旨在解决此类差异的体制程序所塑造的,并且通过排除不适合决策者的世界观而无意间促进了竞争。我们考虑如何通过改变设定决策环境的价值,规则和知识来重新制定流域计划。这些变化使《盆地计划》从解决的问题重新概念化,成为一个可以动员具有不同观点的代理人进行富有想象力的参与的想法。



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