首页> 外文期刊>Applied Mathematical Modelling >An N-path user equilibrium for transportation networks

An N-path user equilibrium for transportation networks


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The traditional trip-based approach to transportation modeling has been employed for the past decade. The last step of the trip-based modeling approach is traffic assignment, which has been typically formulated as a user equilibrium (UE) problem. In the conventional perspective, the definition of UE traffic assignment is the condition that no road user can unilaterally change routes to reduce their travel time. An equivalent definition is that the travel times of all the used paths between any given origin-destination pair are equal and less than those of the unused paths. The underlying assumption of the UE definition is that road users have full information on the available transportation paths and can potentially use any path if the currently used path is overly congested. However, a more practical scenario is that each road user has a limited path set within which she/he can choose routes from. In this new scenario, we call the resulting user equilibrium an N-path user equilibrium (NPUE), in which each road user has only N paths to select from when making route choices in the network. We introduce a new formulation of the NPUE and derive optimality conditions based on this formulation. Different from traditional modeling framework, the constraints of the proposed model are of linear form, which makes it possible to solve the problem with conventional convex programming techniques. We also show that the traditional UE is a special case of an NPUE and prove the uniqueness of the resulting flow pattern of the NPUE. To efficiently solve this problem, we devise path-based and link-based solution algorithms. The proposed solution algorithms are empirically applied to networks of various sizes to examine the impact of constrained user path sets. Numerical results demonstrate that NPUE results can differ significantly from UE results depending on the number of paths available to road users. In addition, we observed an interesting phenomenon, where increasing the number of paths available to road users can sometimes decrease the overall system performance due to their selfish routing behaviors. This paradox demonstrates that network information should be provided with caution, as such information can do more harm than good in certain transportation systems.
机译:在过去的十年中,已经采用了传统的基于行程的交通运输建模方法。基于行程的建模方法的最后一步是交通分配,通常已被公式化为用户平衡(UE)问题。从传统的角度来看,UE业务分配的定义是以下条件:没有道路用户可以单方面更改路线以减少他们的旅行时间。一个等效的定义是,任何给定的起点-目的地对之间的所有已使用路径的行进时间均相等且小于未使用路径的行进时间。 UE定义的基本假设是,道路用户具有有关可用运输路径的完整信息,并且如果当前使用的路径过于拥挤,则有可能使用任何路径。但是,更实际的情况是,每个道路使用者都有一个有限的路径集,可以在其中选择路线。在这种新情况下,我们将最终的用户均衡称为N路径用户均衡(NPUE),其中在网络中进行路线选择时,每个道路用户只有N条路径可供选择。我们介绍了NPUE的新公式,并在此公式的基础上得出了最优性条件。与传统的建模框架不同,所提出的模型的约束是线性形式的,这使得用传统的凸规划技术解决问题成为可能。我们还表明,传统UE是NPUE的特例,并证明了NPUE所得流模式的唯一性。为了有效解决此问题,我们设计了基于路径和基于链接的解决方案算法。所提出的解决方案算法根据经验应用于各种规模的网络,以检查受约束的用户路径集的影响。数值结果表明,根据道路用户可用的路径数量,NPUE结果可能与UE结果有显着差异。另外,我们观察到一个有趣的现象,由于道路使用者的自私路由行为,增加道路使用者可用的路径数量有时会降低整体系统性能。这种悖论表明,应谨慎提供网络信息,因为在某些运输系统中,此类信息弊大于利。



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