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An American Hybrid Vineyard in the Texas Gulf Coast: Analysis within a Pierce's Disease Hot Zone


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The incidence of Pierce's disease (PD) within an American hybrid vineyard in the Texas Gulf Coast was evaluated, Multiple viticultural parameters and Xylellafastidiosa levels were assessed for the varieties Black Spanish, Blanc du Bois, and Cynthianain this region of intense disease pressure. Potential PD symptoms were observed uniformly in Cynthiana and sporadically in Blanc du Bois and Black Spanish postharvest. Consistent with these symptoms, Cynthiana showed significantly lower crop yield than either Blanc du Bois or Black Spanish and had significantly higher positive ELISA values for X. fastidiosa in summer petioles. Individual Cynthiana vines with higher bacterial levels as determined by ELISA exhibited correspondingly lower yields (p = 0.06), Indirect immu-nofluorescence microscopy of petiole xylem sap and PCR of petiole DNA confirmed positive X. fastidiosa ELISA readings in all three varieties. Cynthiana petioles tested by ELISA showed a dramatic increase in bacterial levels over the growing season. In contrast, bacterial levels in Black Spanish and Blanc du Bois remained lower all season despite high disease pressure. An evaluation of potential local plant reservoirs for X. fastidiosa demonstrated that at least six asymptomatic plant species tested positive by both ELISA and PCR: Ilex vomitoria, Vitis mustangensis, Rubus trivialis, Platanus occidentalis, Lippia nodiflora, and Lonicera japonic a. In addition, June insect traps contained a significant number of X. fastidiosa-positive. glassy-winged sharpshooters, Homalodisca coagulata, and several positive sharpshooters identified as Oncometopia orbona, suggesting the presence of multiple species of insect vector in this region.
机译:评估了德克萨斯州墨西哥湾沿岸美国杂种葡萄园内皮尔斯氏病(PD)的发生率,评估了该疾病严重压力地区的黑西班牙,勃朗峰和辛西安娜品种的多个葡萄栽培参数和木乃伊水平。在辛西安娜(Cynthiana)一致地观察到潜在的PD症状,在布兰克杜波瓦(Blanc du Bois)和西班牙黑人采后,偶尔观察到PD症状。与这些症状一致的是,辛西亚纳的作物产量明显低于勃朗峰或黑西班牙人,夏季叶柄的X. fastidiosa的阳性ELISA值也较高。通过ELISA确定的具有较高细菌水平的单个辛西娅藤本植物表现出相应较低的产量(p = 0.06),叶柄木质部汁液的间接免疫荧光显微镜检查和叶柄DNA的PCR证实了所有这三个变种中的X.fastidiosa ELISA读数均为阳性。通过ELISA测试的辛西娅叶柄在整个生长期显示细菌水平显着增加。相比之下,尽管疾病压力高,西班牙黑人和布瓦杜博伊斯的细菌水平整个季节仍较低。对X.fastidiosa潜在的本地植物贮藏库的评估表明,至少有6种无症状植物物种通过ELISA和PCR均检测为阳性:冬凌草,野葡萄,野小球藻,西洋樱草,野百合和日本忍冬。此外,六月的昆虫诱捕装置还包含大量的X. fastidiosa阳性。带有玻璃翅膀的神枪手,Homalodisca gestata和几个阳性神枪手被确认为Oncometopia orbona,这表明该区域存在多种昆虫媒介。



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