首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Social Anthropology in Economic Literature at the End of the 19th Century: Eugenic and Racial Explanations of Inequality

Social Anthropology in Economic Literature at the End of the 19th Century: Eugenic and Racial Explanations of Inequality


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At the end of the 19th century, Georges Vacher de Lapouge and Otto Ammon founded a school of thought denominated "social anthropology" or "anthropo-sociology," aimed at placing racism on a scientific basis. Their intent was to create a new discipline into which the themes of biological heredity, natural selection, social stratification, and political organization were to converge. This paper intends to demonstrate the wide resonance that anthroposociology had in the economic literature, analyzing the thought of authors such as Carlos C. Closson, Vilfredo Pareto, and Thorstein Veblen. A particular focus will be on the racial and eugenic arguments used as explanation of social and economic inequality.
机译:19世纪末,乔治·瓦歇·德·拉普格(Georges Vacher de Lapouge)和奥托·阿蒙(Otto Ammon)创立了一个名为“社会人类学”或“人类社会学”的思想流派,旨在将种族主义置于科学基础上。他们的目的是创建一个新学科,以将生物遗传,自然选择,社会分层和政治组织等主题融合在一起。本文旨在通过分析卡洛斯·克洛森(Carlos C. Closson),维尔夫雷多·帕累托(Vilfredo Pareto)和索尔斯坦·维勃伦(Thorstein Veblen)等作家的思想,来证明人类学在经济学文献中的广泛共鸣。将特别关注用于解释社会和经济不平等的种族和优生论据。



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