首页> 外文期刊>琉球大学農学部学術報告 >沖縄島産マングースにおけるELISA法を用いた血清診断のための二次抗体の選定



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感染症の検査として従来から用いられている病原体の培養を主とする検査法は,検査結果を得るまでに時間がかかるという欠点を有する・経済性と鋭敏性に優れるIgG-ELISA法は,培養法に比べて検査時間の短縮に貢献できるが,検査対象の動物種ごとに適切な二次抗体の選定が必要である.そこで今回ジャワマングースについて市販の11種類の二次抗体について検討した.その結果,抗-フェレットⅠ〆;とプロテインAの2種類において,ジャワマングースのIgG抗体との接合による発色反応が認められた.このうち,プロテインAはジャワマングース個体間において反応の強さの有意差が認められたが,抗-フェレットでは反応の強さはプロテインAより低いが,ジャワマングース個体間の差は少なく,二次抗体の希釈倍率に対して一定の変化を示した.以上のことから,ジャワマングースにおけるELISA法に最適な二次抗体は抗-フェレットIgGであると考えられた.%The small Asian mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) was introduced from India in 1910 to control rat and habu snake (Protobothrops flavoviridis) populations on Okinawajima island. It has been clarified that the mongoose possesses Leptospira and Salmonella. On human beast common infectious disease with these situations or the possibility in which the mongoose propagates, it is very important to investigate the infection status in prevention of epidemic. There is variously serodiagnostic method epidemiologically used at present, and it has the defect for economical efficiency and sensitivity. However, it is possible to comparatively little do in labor and time that the IgG-ELISA method is excellent for economical efficiency and both sensitivity and that it catches it in the experiment. In this experiment, secondary antibody which was optimum for doing the IgG-ELISA method using the serum of the mongoose for the mongoose was selected. Eleven kinds of secondary antibody marketed were used for the experiment. In-human, rabbit, rat, guinea pig, hamster, cat, mouse IgG, protein G, protein L that there was color reaction by the junction with IgG antibody of the mongoose in two types of anti-ferret IgG and protein A and that the hoop resists it, the reaction hardly could be accepted. However, there was the significance for OD value which became an index to the intensity of the reaction by the individual in protein A. And, the difference of the OD value between individuals of the result which the OD value is inferior to protein A showed the proportion of the change in which the OD value is fixed for the dilution degree of the secondary antibody small in anti-ferret IgG Therefore, available and optium secondary antibody to the mongoose seems to be anti-ferret IgG
机译:主要用于病原体培养的测试方法通常被用作传染病的测试方法,但缺点是需要花费时间才能获得测试结果。・ IgG-ELISA方法具有极佳的经济效率和灵敏度,尽管与该方法相比可以有助于缩短测试时间,但有必要为每种要测试的动物选择合适的二抗。因此,我们检查了11种市售的Java猫鼬二抗。结果,在两种抗雪貂I和蛋白A中观察到由于与Java猫鼬IgG抗体结合而引起的显色反应。其中,蛋白A在爪哇猫鼬个体之间的反应强度有显着差异,但与抗雪貂的反应强度低于蛋白A,但爪哇猫鼬个体之间的反应强度较小且次要它显示出随抗体稀释率的恒定变化。综上所述,认为Java猫鼬中最适合ELISA方法的二抗是抗雪貂IgG。 %亚洲小猫鼬(Herpestes javanicus)于1910年从印度引进,用以控制冲绳岛上的老鼠和蛇蛇(Protobothrops flavoviridis)种群,并已阐明该猫鼬具有钩端螺旋体和沙门氏菌。在猫鼬传播的情况或可能性的情况下,调查感染状况对于预防流行病很重要。目前流行病学上使用了多种血清学诊断方法,但在经济效益和敏感性方面存在缺陷。相对而言,IgG-ELISA方法在经济效率和灵敏度方面都非常出色,并且在实验中也能胜任,因此在劳动和时间上所做的工作相对较少。在该实验中,二抗是使用血清进行IgG-ELISA方法的最佳选择猫鼬使用了市售的11种二抗作为选择的猫鼬。实验在人,兔,大鼠,豚鼠,仓鼠,猫,小鼠IgG,G蛋白,L蛋白中,两种类型的抗雪貂IgG和蛋白均由于与猫鼬IgG抗体的结合而发生显色反应而且,铁环会抵抗它,因此几乎无法接受反应。但是,OD值的意义却成为了蛋白质A中个体反应强度的指标。而且,OD值之间的差异OD值次于蛋白A的结果的个体表明,针对抗雪貂IgG的二抗稀释度较小,OD值固定的变化比例因此,可获得和针对猫鼬的optium二抗似乎是抗雪貂IgG



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