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Converting Predation Cues into Conservation Tools: The Effect of Light on Mouse Foraging Behaviour




Prey face a conflict between acquiring energy and avoiding predators and use both direct and indirect cues to assess predation risk. Illumination, an indirect cue, influences nocturnal rodent foraging behaviour. New Zealand holds no native rodent species but has introduced mice (Mus musculus) that severely impair native biodiversity. We used Giving-Up Densities (GUDs) and observations of foraging frequency and duration to assess if artificial light induces risk avoidance behaviour in mice and could limit their activity. We found both captive (wild strain) mice in outdoor pens and wild mice within a pest fenced sanctuary (Maungatautari, New Zealand) displayed avoidance behaviour in response to illumination. In captivity, total foraging effort was similar across lit and unlit pens but mice displayed a strong preference for removing seeds from dark control areas (mean: 15.33 SD: +/-11.64 per 3.5 hours) over illuminated areas (2.00 +/-3.44). Wild mice also removed fewer seeds from illuminated areas (0.42 +/-1.00 per 12 hours) compared to controls (6.67 +/-9.20). Captive mice spent less than 1.0% of available time at illuminated areas, versus 11.3% at controls; visited the lit areas less than control areas (12.00 +/- 9.77 versus 29.00 +/-21.58 visits respectively); and spent less time per visit at illuminated versus control areas (8.17 +/-7.83 versus 44.83 +/-87.52 seconds per visit respectively). Illumination could provide protection at ecologically sensitive sites, damaged exclusion fences awaiting repair, fence terminus zones of peninsula sanctuaries and shipping docks that service offshore islands. We promote the hypothesis that the tendency of mice to avoid illumination could be a useful conservation tool, and advance knowledge of risk assessment and foraging under perceived danger.
机译:猎物面临着获取能量和避免掠食者之间的冲突,并使用直接和间接线索来评估捕食风险。间接提示照明会影响夜间啮齿动物的觅食行为。新西兰没有本地啮齿动物物种,但已引入了严重破坏本地生物多样性的小鼠(小家鼠)。我们使用放弃密度(GUDs)和觅食频率和持续时间的观察来评估人造光是否在小鼠中诱发风险规避行为并可能限制其活动。我们发现室外围栏中的圈养(野生品系)小鼠和位于栅栏(位于新西兰的芒格塔塔里(Maungatautari),新西兰)的害虫隔离保护区内的野生小鼠均表现出对光照的回避行为。在圈养条件下,带灯和不带灯的钢笔的总觅食量相似,但是小鼠表现出强烈的偏好,要从带灯区域(2.00 +/- 3.44)的黑暗控制区域(平均每3.5小时:15.33 SD:+/- 11.64)去除种子。 。与对照组(6.67 +/- 9.20)相比,野生小鼠还从光照区域去除的种子更少(0.42 +/- 1.00每12小时)。圈养小鼠在光照区域的可用时间少于可利用时间的1.0%,而对照区域则为11.3%。探访照明区域的人数少于控制区域(分别为12.00 +/- 9.77和29.00 +/- 21.58的访问);并且在照明区域和控制区域的每次访问所花费的时间更少(每次访问分别为8.17 +/- 7.83与44.83 +/- 87.52秒)。照明可以在生态敏感的地点,待修复的排污栅栏损坏,半岛庇护所的栅栏末端区域以及为近海岛屿服务的船坞提供保护。我们提出了这样一种假设,即小鼠避免光照的趋势可能是一种有用的保护工具,并提高了风险评估和在已知危险下觅食的知识。



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