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Simulation data for similarity of spray combustion processes in marine low-speed diesel engines




Scaled model experiments are very useful for reducing time, cost and energy consumption in marine diesel engine development. This data article is based on the research work which examines the potential of scaled model experiments for marine low-speed diesel engines. Two engines of 340 and 520 mm bore diameters are employed to conduct this numerical scaling work based on three diesel combustion scaling laws. Data on similarity of peak swirl ratio, heat transfer losses, liquid and vapor penetration length, ignition delay, in-cylinder peak temperature, peak carbon monoxide (CO), peak hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon dioxide (CO ) emissions for various fuel injection timing are provided. The data in this paper are valuable reference for researchers or engineers who attempt to conduct scaled model experiments in marine diesel engine development.
机译:比例模型实验对于减少船用柴油机开发的时间,成本和能耗非常有用。本数据文章基于研究工作,该研究检查了船用低速柴油机的比例模型实验的潜力。基于三个柴油机燃烧定标定律,使用了两个内径分别为340和520 mm的发动机来进行此数值定标工作。有关各种燃料喷射的峰值涡流比,传热损失,液体和蒸气的渗透长度,点火延迟,缸内峰值温度,峰值一氧化碳(CO),峰值碳氢化合物(HC)和二氧化碳(CO)排放的相似性数据提供时间。本文中的数据对于试图在船用柴油机开发中进行比例模型实验的研究人员或工程师具有宝贵的参考价值。



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