首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Physical Therapy Science >Efficacy of dietary supplement with nutraceutical composed combined withextremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields in carpal tunnel syndrome

Efficacy of dietary supplement with nutraceutical composed combined withextremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields in carpal tunnel syndrome




[Purpose] The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical effects of a nutraceutical composed (Xinepa®) combined with extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields in the carpal tunnel syndrome. [Subjects and Methods] Thirty-one patients with carpal tunnel syndrome were randomized into group 1-A (N=16) (nutraceutical + extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields) and group 2-C (n=15) (placebo + extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields). The dietary supplement with nutraceutical was twice daily for one month in the 1-A group and both groups received extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic fields at the level of the carpal tunnel 3 times per week for 12 sessions. The Visual Analogue Scale for pain, the Symptoms Severity Scale and Functional Severity Scale of the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire were used at pre-treatment (T0), after the end of treatment (T1) and at 3 months post-treatment (T2). [Results] At T1 and T2 were not significant differences in outcome measures between the two groups. In group 1-A a significant improvement in the scales were observed at T1 and T2. In group 2-C it was observed only at T1. [Conclusion] Significant clinical effects from pre-treatment to the end of treatment were shown in both groups. Only in group 1-A they were maintained at 3 months post-treatment.
机译:[目的]本研究的目的是研究营养保健品(Xinepa ®)结合极低频电磁场在腕管综合症中的临床效果。 [对象和方法]将31例腕管综合症患者随机分为1-A组(N = 16)(营养药物+极低频电磁场)和2-C组(n = 15)(安慰剂+极度电场)。 -低频电磁场)。 1-A组的饮食补充营养品每天两次,为期一个月,两个组每周两次接受腕管水平的极低频电磁场,每周12次。在治疗前(T0),治疗结束后(T1)和治疗后3个月(T2),使用视觉疼痛模拟量表,症状严重程度量表和波士顿腕管问卷的功能严重程度量表。 [结果]两组的结局指标在T1和T2差异不显着。在1-A组中,在T1和T2观察到量表的显着改善。在2-C组中,仅在T1时观察到。 [结论]两组均显示从治疗前到治疗结束的显着临床效果。仅在1-A组中,它们在治疗后3个月维持。



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