首页> 中文期刊>理论界 >探析萨特对海德格尔虚无观的批评与改造--以海德格尔与萨特的虚无观为基础




Since Parmenides, the problem of nothingness is the key for philosophers to explore the problem of Being.Interpretation by Heidegger, nothingness is the thing that make the existence to show themselves, and is the counterparts of the transcend of factually existing.However, despite Sartre inherited the Heidegger’ s way that interpret “Being” as “factually existing” as his own way to explore his own survival ontology, but Sartre has sharply criticized Heidegger’ s nihilism. Sartre transformed Heidegger's “Being”into “consciousness” , and then think that this“consciousness” is “nothingness” , which essence is a kind of negative awareness.Although based on different starting points to build ontology, Sartre’ s criticism and transformation of Heidegger on the concept of nothingness is very curate and necessary.%自巴门尼德以来,虚无问题就是哲学家们探索存在的关键性问题。海德格尔通过将虚无阐释为使存在得以显现的,此在超越的对应物。然而,尽管萨特继承了“此在”作为“存在”这一条海式路径,来探究自己的生存本体论,但萨特还是对海德格尔的虚无观进行了尖锐的批评。萨特将海德格尔的“此在”改造为“意识”,进而认为这种“意识”就是“虚无”,这种虚无的本质就是一种否定性意识。尽管基于不同的构建本体论的出发点,萨特对海德格尔关于虚无概念的批评和改造还是切中要害,十分必要的。



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