首页> 中文期刊>科普研究 >社交媒体中转基因食品的媒介框架研究--基于美国YouTube视频网站的案例分析




社交媒体在科学传播中扮演的角色日益重要,在促进争议科学题材的传播中发挥的作用尤为显著。本文以世界上最大的社交视频网站YouTube中的转基因食品短片为案例,从传播主体、媒介框架和传播技巧三方面来分析社交媒体的框架建构过程。研究发现,在YouTube网站上美国的各种社会组织抢占了绝对的话语主导权,媒体也有积极参与,而政府和科研机构基本处于失语状态。在媒介框架上,最多的一类是关于食品安全、经济和科技的话题,且大部分都具有负面属性。在塑造技巧上,最受欢迎的短片大部分具有刺激性标题、诉诸于情感和特定价值、制造矛盾吸引受众三个显著特点。%In the field of science communication,social media have played an increasingly important role in communicating controversies. A three-layer analysis framework including the subject,contents and strategies was set up to explore the media framing of Genetically Modified (GM) food,one of the most controversial issues so far,in the world’s largest video-sharing site YouTube. The most viewed 20 videos are selected as research samples. Based on an analysis of these sample videos,this study tries to describe the performances of the four players government, science community, business sector and nongovernmental organizations in the process of media framing. The study explored seven categories/seventeen sub-fields,and summarized three main framing strategies. Advices based on conclusions drew from this study are provided for the future related research.



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