首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >农村中学教师师德师风建设的困境与出路




农村中学由于地理位置的偏僻,经济落后,人们的认识水平偏低,致使农村中学的师德师风出现了一些问题。老师的从教热情不高,钻研精神不强,业务水平走低,从事副业的较多,这严重影响了教师的形象,更影响了农村教育的长足发展。究其原因不外乎在于社会不良氛围的濡染,老师个人要求不高。改变这种不良风气,走出农村教育的困境,探究出一条适合的发展之路已迫在眉睫。教育主管部门的介入,学校管理的不失位,老师职业道德的提升是必由之路。%Geographically remote and economically backward, rural people's level of knowledge is relatively low, having resulted in some problems in rural secondary school teachers' moral con-struction. Teachers' low enthusiasm in teaching, weak spirit in teaching research, poor professional abilities and excessive sub-sidiary businesses have severely affected teachers' image, as well as the long-term development of rural education. The causes of the above problems lie in the bad social atmosphere and teachers' low requirements for themselves. Therefore, it is imperative to explore a way suitable for the development of rural education. The writer holds that education administrators' leadership, effec-tive school management and teachers' improvement of profes-sional ethics are inevitable ways.



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